Is there agreement among us on the following:
>From: Jay Lemke <JLLBC who-is-at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
I don't think there is too great a distance between the position
Chuck Bazerman is putting forth on the materiality of actants and
the replicability of 'phenomena' and my own views. I was a bit
confused by his opening sentence about my paradoxically
preferring mind within the traditional mind/body division.
Perhaps this confusion arises because of our deeply ingrained
habit of identifying meaning-making processes with cognitive or
mental ones, whereas for me they are (a) material, (b) semiotic,
and (c) processes in systems which are never limited to the
organism as a unit of analysis -- and maybe (d) never limited to
the apparent time-scale on which them seem to us to be occurring.