For example, our 5thDimension activity system is definitely a cultural
process occuring over time.... about a decade in this case. That
is how we understand it. At the same time, it is grammatical in
my idolect and that of my colleagues to ask, "Is there a 5thDimesion
in Australia?" Yes. There is a 5th Dimesion in Australia. I know
little about the process that is the 5thDimension in Australia, but
I am sure courious about it!
Bateson plays a big role in my thinking and a big role in Chapter
5 and later in the book. But my reading is selective, and there
is a lot of the auto-didact in my thinking, and I am influenced
by the way xmca members have used Bateson as a tool of thought
over the years (I have Arne Reithel particularly in mind in this
A special issue of MCA on the relevance of Bateson to the development
of cultural-historical activity theory would be really interesting.
Perhaps you could get a band of volunteers and put together such
an issue?