"The idea of mediated determination rooted in activity that
follows from Vygotsky's general methodological position corresponds
with modern methodological ntions. In the future it may be possible
for a homogenous theory to arise in which activity will function as an
explanatory principle relevant to the sign system (the product of
activity), while the sign system will function as the vehicle of
determination that mediates mental functions. Of course, one should
keep in mind that sign systems are not in any sense the sole vehicle
of determination through activity."
Pg. 57, "Vygotsky and activity-oriented psychology" in Wertsch (Ed.)
_Culture, Communication & Cognition_
Judy Diamondstone diamonju who-is-at rci.rutgers.edu
Graduate School of Education Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
10 Seminary Place New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Eternity is in love with the productions of time. - W. Blake