This morning I have received No.s 1 and 2 of MCA vol 3 from Erlbaum.
I guess that you did something to make this happen? Thanks a lot.
Actually, I had received No 1 Vol 3 earlier this year, only the second
issue seems to have been lost somewhere...
Greetings to La Jolla: Arne.
At 10:38 2.7.1996, Peggy Bengel wrote:
>Questions regarding missing issues of MCA, subscription
>costs, etc. should be sent to Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
>Email: orders who-is-at
>Telephone: (201) 236-9500
>Fax: (201) 236-0072
>You can contact me for information regarding 19Volumes 1 & 2
>The folks at Erlbaum are very nice...I'm sure they'll be
>glad to answer your questions.
>Peggy Bengel
>LCHC, 0092
>UC San Diego
>La Jolla, CA 92093-0092
>(619) 534-4006
>Email: pbengel who-is-at