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Date: 12/6/96 6:17 PM
To: Geoffrey Williams
From: xmca who-is-at
Helena Worthen writes
> Piotr Szybek introduced himself and included this line:
<<*Theorists influencing (collectively), in alphabetical order:
Bakhtin, Bulgakov, Conrad, Dostoyevskiy, Feyerabend, Gombrowicz, Husserl,
Latour, Levinas, Milosz, Popper, Rabelais, Ricoeur. (...)
Vygotskiy is someone to disagree with. But then again, impressing.>>
> I'm tempted to ask how he extracts theory from Dostoevsky and Rabelais,
> but to keep things simple I'd like to hear, Piotr, how you disagree
> with Vygotskiy. (proceeds Helena)
> Helena Worthen
1. I dont know what "extracts theory" means, can you help me?
2. Vygotskiy. That's a problem.
Who _is_ it?
Who _was_ it?
Who of them is saying what when?
...and then - _what_ is V.?
There is one Vygotskiy whom I see as having spoken as a Soviet Russian
communist, one whom I see as having spoken as a Great-Russian nationalist
(identification with aggressor), one whom I see as speaking as a
son, grand-son etc. of Russian Jewish maskilim (Jews pursuing the
haskalah, Jewish Enlightment, i.e. - among other things - being more
Western than any Westerner and more modern than any modern man or
This is, as far as I can understand, a trio who cooperated on
most projects, and who have/ /had quite a say on many of the things the
bodily V. has written, said, made others do etc.
Now, what is their joint contribution? It is a conceptual
imperialism, where the epistemological values of late 19th/ /early
20th century modernism are made absolute standarts.
This conceptual imperialism is put in the service of concrete bodily
(the famous Uzbekistan study).
In the classroom it means that some anim... sorry, children and youngsters
are more equal than others, namely those whose ZPD contains a potential
for the development of conceptual thinking.
Then there are/ /were various other V:s. Both "whos" and
And then there is this: if there is (IS) a Great Theorist,
the-Greatest-at-whose-feet-throngs-were-grovelling, you just _have_,
for the sake of humanity, to rig up a bazooka and shoot. (This is a
V. which is a "what" and not a "who".)
I do not say as what/ /who I am saying this, till you ask me.
I expect there are some people who do have a first hand knowledge of
the things I refer to and who can correct me.
Mit herzlichen Gruessen
Piotr Szybek
were speaking as persons involved in various doings and goings on. O
Piotr Szybek
University of Lund
Department of Education
PO Box 199, S-221 00 Lund, SWEDEN
tel +46462224732, fax +46462224538
E-mail piotr.szybek who-is-at
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