Bill Blanton
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Subject: Re: New journal of Bakhtin Studies (fwd)
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From: "Bakhtin Centre, University of Sheffield" <Bakhtin.Centre who-is-at>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 17:55:51 +0100
Subject: New journal of Bakhtin Studies
An International Journal of Bakhtin Studies
Sheffield Academic Press is pleased to announce the
launch in May 1997 of Dialogism. The journal will be
published twice a year.
David Shepherd
Professor of Russian and Director of the Bakhtin
Centre, University of Sheffield
Contributions are invited for the first and
subsequent issues
(copy date 31 December 1996)
The normal length of articles will be 8000 words. A
style sheet and information about submission of copy
in electronic form are available on request from
Sheffield Academic Press.
Proposals for special issues on specific topics will
be particularly welcome.
Dialogism will succeed The Bakhtin Newsletter as the
only English-language journal devoted principally to
Mikhail Bakhtin and the Bakhtin Circle. Published
from the Bakhtin Centre at the University of
Sheffield, it will
* provide the principal outlet for works of current
scholarship on the Bakhtin Circle and related
theory in all countries;
* provide a forum for genuine interdisciplinary and
international scholarly exchange and
* complement the established profile of the Centre
as an international focus for the dissemination
of bibliographical and other information about
scholarship on the Bakhtin Circle.
Dialogism will contain
* articles on the Bakhtin Circle's intellectual
* archival and biographical materials relating to
the Bakhtin Circle;
* articles on the reception of the Bakhtin Circle's
* translations of important Russian-language work
on the Bakhtin Circle;
* articles `applying' the Bakhtin Circle's work to
texts and other cultural products across a wide
range of disciplines;
* articles exploring the relationship between the
Bakhtin Circle's work and other major theories
and theorists;
* bibliographical information;
* reviews of books by and about the Bakhtin Circle,
and in related areas of theory.
Working in close partnership with Dialog-Karnaval-
Khronotop, published in Vitebsk, Dialogism will bring
to a wide readership important new archival material
and scholarship otherwise available only in Russian.
The Bakhtin Centre, Floor 1, Arts Tower
The University of Sheffield
Sheffield S10 2TN
bakhtin.centre who-is-at
Ramon Alvarado (UAM Xochimilco, Mexico)
Robert Barsky (Western Ontario)
Jean Duffy (Sheffield)
Caryl Emerson (Princeton)
Ken Hirschkop (Manchester)
Peter Hitchcock (CUNY)
Michael Holquist (Yale)
Miha Javornik (Ljubljana)
Renate Lachmann (Konstanz)
Vitalii Makhlin (Moscow)
M.-Pierrette Malcuzynski (Warsaw)
Oleg Osovskii (Saransk)
Nikolai Pan'kov (Vitebsk)
Clive Thomson (Western Ontario)
Sue Vice (Sheffield)
Anthony Wall (Calgary)
The subscription rates are as follows:
Institution: stlg35.00/$55.00
Individual: stlg20.00/$30.00
Please note that all correspondence relating to
subscription must be sent not to the editorial
address, but to Sheffield Academic Press, Mansion
House, 19 Kingfield Road, Sheffield S11 9AS
tel.: +44 (0)114 255 4433
fax: +44 (0)114 255 4626
e-mail: admin who-is-at
Bakhtin Centre
Floor 1, Arts Tower
University of Sheffield
Sheffield S10 2UJ, England
Tel. and fax: +44 (0)114 282 4955
E-mail: Bakhtin.Centre who-is-at
Director: Professor David Shepherd
Research Assistant: Ms Carol Adlam
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