There is an interesting literature one might want to read about
reading instruction, whole language and decoding/phonics.
Bloome, D., Cassidy, C., Chapman, & Schaafsma, D. (1988).
Reading instruction and underlying metaphors in Becoming a
Nation of Readers. In J. Davidson (Ed.), Counterpoint and
beyond: A response to Becoming a Nation of Readers pp,5-16).
Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English
Cherryholmes, C. (1993). Reading research. Journal of Curriculum
Studies, 25, 1-32
Moorman, G. G., Blanton, W. E. & McLaughlin, T. (1994). the
rhetoric of whole language. Reading Research Quarterly, 29,
308-329. (The issue also contains a set of responses.)
The articles present a pretty fair disucussion of rhetoric
surrounding the issues. Unfortunately, an analysis of the
literature relevant to decoding and traditional basal reading
programs has not been done. Such an analysis would shed more
light on the current landscape. For example, a read of :
Stanovich, K. E. (1994). Romance and reality (Distinguished
Educator Series), The Reading Teacher, 47, 280-391.
is representative of the rhetoric used by the decoding/phonics
group who oppose whole language instruction.
Bill Blanton