Re: Phonics for Gov?
KEN GOODMAN (kgoodman who-is-at CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU)
Tue, 07 May 1996 08:59:16 -0700 (MST)
The money for phonics puts more pressure on teachers who are by and large
holding their ground in defending their kids and their teaching. They
need all the support they can get. The "liberal " democrats in the state
legislature in California jooined the far right in passing the ABC law and
giving it immediate effect because of the "emergency.""
Ken Goodman
On Tue, 7 May 1996, Mike Cole wrote:
> Pete Wilson has just tied a big increase in education funds to
> phonics emphasis instruction despite the recommendation of his own
> task force for a balanced phonics/whole language approach.
> (Just in case anyone on xmca thinks that education and politics are
> separate domains!)
> mike