Dear Mike
We are NOT waiting for you to always initiate and chair discussion.
_Please_ don't feel responsible in _that_ way. It is naturally a pity when
oldtimers lose interest. I am not yet enough of an oldtimer myself to take
the right to express impatience with that sentiment. But I think there is
still enough of continuity and oldtimer presence to keep the "virtual
collegium" together. Even if it changes.
The fabric of the collegium, of course, includes things like the MCA
abstracts (even though they do not always engender discussion).
I think I have said similar things before (long ago): XMCA silence is a
system effect -- due to circumstances beyond XMCA control... Now I start
wondering as I write: can it be that the time demands on "us" have been
increasing in the electronic domain of our worlds, too. Not just in our
Face to Face worlds. So that the XMCA has more electronic competition, and
competition of a must-and-ought kind that we cannot neglect so easily. This
is certainly the way that _my_ virtual life is sloping.