Re: Ekman

Eugene Matusov (ematusov who-is-at
Wed, 27 Mar 1996 17:19:33 -0800

Dear Katherine--

I believe that Alan Fogel wrote something on infant social smiling. Check
his book,

Fogel, A. (1993). Developing through relationships: Origins of
communication, self, and culture. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Eugene Matusov
UC Santa Cruz
At 11:16 AM 3/27/96 -0800, Katherine Brown wrote:
>Hi colleagues, and a request for help.
>I am on a list where there is a scuffle going on over whether or not
>smiling is a universal human affect display of pleasure, submission,
>etc. I am watching people bash each other over the head about whether
>or not is is "vulgar marxism" to say that smiling for the camera, smiling
>in front of photographers, etc. is a recent, western, industrial, bourgeois
>phenomenon, whether or not people behave for cameras/photographers
>differently, etc.
>Someone named Jay Ruby is invoking Paul Ekman as the final word on
>smiling and human development in a particularly arch and dismissive
>way. I will suggest Mescheryakov's work on the development of the
>deaf and blind (wherein he refers to the facial expression we might
>call a smile) fixed on faces that are not social displays of happiness.
>Is there more knowledge out there on responses/challenges/ on Ekman's
>Thanks in Advance.
>Katherine Brown

Eugene Matusov
UC Santa Cruz