I was consulting the CSCL '95 proceedings and noticed we might have
some interests in common. Anyway, I'm looking for a summer internship
and I was wondering if you could help me. Attached to this message are a
cover letter and resume which may be freely distributed within your
Thank you for your kind attention,
To whom this may concern:
I am a Ph.D. student in the EMST (Education in Mathematics, Science, and
Technology) program, Graduate School of Education, UC Berkeley. In this
division, we seek to inform educational theory and practice by conducting
basic research in Cognitive Science. In doing so, we draw upon research on
Cognitive Science's constituent disciplines and findings in the subject
matter areas (math, physics etc.). Studying and building educational
software and computational models are also major components of our work. I
am currently a member of the Boxer research group and my interests are
external representations and inscriptions, cooperative learning
environments and, perhaps more importantly, the design of computer systems.
I am looking for a summer intern position in a dynamic and creative
environment where my research knowledge (in both Cognitive and Computer
Science) and programming skills can be of value. In this regard, I hope
you will consider the enclosed resume. While a position in research and
design seems to be most in line with my educational and professional
backgrounds, I would certainly enjoy being part of a programming and
development team. Please let me know if you need additional information or
if you would like me to send you a copy of my portfolio (including papers,
a list of pertaining coursework, and paintings).
Flavio Azevedo
3 Van Buren Street, San Francisco, CA 94131
Phone: 415-841-9026 (h); 510-642-9717 (w)
Email: flavio who-is-at garnet.berkeley.edu
WWW: http://vygotsky.berkeley.edu/flavio/flavio.html
Ph.D. in Education, August 1995 - present
Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology
University of California, Berkeley, California
Overall GPA: 4.0/4.0
M.S. in Computer Science, July 1995
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Overall GPA: 3.7/4.0
B.S. Electrical Engineering (Electronics), January 1985
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Minor: Computer Science Overall GPA: 3.5/4.0
University of California Regents Fellowship, 1995 - 1996.
PUBLICATIONS (please refer to http://vygotsky.berkeley.edu/flavio/flavio.html)
Sanchez, J. A., Azevedo, F. S., and Leggett, J. J. 1995. PARAgente:
Exploring the issues in agent-based interfaces. In Proceedings of the
First International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS '95), (San
Francisco, CA, June), pp. 320-327.
Azevedo, F. S., and Leggett, J. J. 1995. AcTool: An agent building
environment. Technical report TAMU-HRL 95-003, Department of Computer
Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
I conceived, designed, and implemented an end-user programming environment
-- named AcTool -- that allows users to create interface agents. AcTool
(and the agents created with it) utilizes a hypertext system as an
operating substrate which provides it with linking and object management
facilities. It also interfaces with the Illustra object relational
database management system to perform low level database functions. The
environment was developed in C (some 10500 lines) and X Window and
currently runs on Sun Unix machines.
The KIE Group, School of Education, UC Berkeley, August 95 - present.
Graduate Research Assistant working as a software designer/developer
and research assistant for the Knowledge Integration Environment project.
Main duties include (1) developing cgi scripts (C and Unix)
for the KIE project web-based applications, (2) running and monitoring
KIE-related experiments in the affiliated schools, and (3) maintaining the
DEC AlphaServer 400 used as the main server for the project.
Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, Jan 94 - May 95.
Graduate Research Assistant working as software engineer and developer
for a joint project between the Department of Mathematics and the
Department of Educational Psychology. The project entailed
designing and implementing a program to teach first year calculus
to Engineering students.
Kernel Consultoria & Sistemas, Brazil, March 1984 - September 1991.
Co-founder and chief software designer. Main activities included the design
and implementation of hypertext systems and software utilities for the PC
environment. Kernel C&S served both as a software development and
consulting company, and specialized in the use of the C language. During
that period, I also wrote regularly for a computer magazine. Experience with
UNIX machines and computer graphics software.
Empresa de Turismo do Rio de Janeiro (RIOTUR), Brazil, 1983.
Systems analyst and developer (part time) for local area networked
applications involving database management systems (dBaseIII and ZIM).
Companhia do Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro (METRO-RJ), Brazil, 1982.
Assembly language programmer (part time) of real time systems on a
Kernel Consultoria & Sistemas, Brazil, 1988 - 1991.
Instructor for PETROBRAS (the state oil company) in the courses of Pascal,
C, Algorithms, and PC software (dBaseIII, MS-Word, Lotus 1-2-3, Supercalc,
MS-DOS, Windows, and others). Also, acted as a planner/developer of
course materials for PETROBRAS and XEROX Brazil.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
ACM Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction (ACM-SIGCHI)
SF Bay Area Computer-Human Interaction interest group (BAYCHI)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)