conference information

Carnegie Corporation (xfamily who-is-at
Mon, 18 Mar 1996 10:30:23 -0800 (PST)

It is my pleasure to let you know that the I Regional Congress of
Psychology for Professionals in the Americas, organized by the Mexican
Institute of Invesigation on Family and Population A.C., (IMIFAP) and by the
Mexican Association of Social Psychology (AMEPSO), and sponsored by the
International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) in conjunction with
the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), the Interamerican
Society of Psychology (SIP) and the International Association of
Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), will take place in Mexico City, Mexico,
from the 13th to the 19th of July, 1997.

The Congress will be made up of workshops, state of the art invited
addresses, symposia, thematic sessions and posters, answering to the demand
of Latin American psychologists who have expressed their need for a forum in
which they could exchange knowledge and develop abilities in their specific
areas of work.

Psychologists doing work in any area of applied psychology are invited to
submit papers. For example in organizational psychology, health psychology,
environmental psychology, educational, instructional and school psychology,
clinical and community psychology, applied gerontology, psychology and
national development, economic psychology, psychology and law, psychology
and politics, sport psychology, evaluation research issues. For further
information, please contact Susan Pick, Ph.D. at: fax: 525- 598.23.42,
courier: Apartado Postal 41-756 Mexico D.F. 11001, Mexico or at the
following e-mail: Congreso who-is-at

Thanking you in advance for your kind attention to this letter, I await
your response,

Tere Venguer
Organizing Committee
On behalf of Dr. Susan Pick