On Mon, 11 Mar 1996 M.B.Carrithers who-is-at durham.ac.uk wrote:
> `The knowledge' is itself common knowledge in Britain, and has been
> the subject of several articles in the press and TV programmes in the
> recent past. Every London taxi driver---and this means the black
> diesel cabs, not the minicabs---must qualify by demonstrating his (and
> it does seem to be a largely, if not entirely, male domain) ability to
> describe exactly how to get from any place to any other, including
> where roads may be blocked etc. It takes years to acquire this
> expertise, and at least sometimes it is held out, in class-ridden
> Britain, as an example of how the intellectual achievements of the
> ordinary working class equal or exceed those of the intellectual
> middle classes.
> But can I remember where or when any of these articles appeared? No,
> of course not. Sorry.
> Michael
> Professor Michael Carrithers m.b.carrithers who-is-at durham.ac.uk
> Dept of Anthropology Phone at work: +44-191-374-2840
> U of Durham
> 43 Old Elvet
> Durham DH1 3HN
> UK