I just realized someone on
>this net might be excited about this opportunity. I met a teacher named
>Elena Borovikova when she was at Indiana University teaching a Russian
>Culture course a couple years ago. Elena Borovikova teaches English in
>Moscow, and had interesting things to say about how Moscow schools were
>just discovering or having opportunities to implement ideas gained from
>Vygotsky since what we westerners tend to call the "democratization."
>The woman named below, Anna Lagun, who seeks a host for a week in March
>works with Elena. They had pictured her coming to Indiana, but if that
>does not work out, I have a strong feeling they would be happy with some
>other state!! Thanks for your consideration!
>Esther Gray, Language Education, Indiana University, Bloomington
>(ENGRAY who-is-at indianaledu)
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: 6 Mar 1996 10:09:27 -0500
>From: CrossM <crossm who-is-at nassp.org>
>To: Eric Mjolsnes <blmont who-is-at hamlet.ucs.indiana.edu>,
> Esther Gray <engray who-is-at juliet.ucs.indiana.edu>,
> Mary Ann <HANSEN who-is-at ECSUC.CISTATEU.EDU>
>Subject: Anna Lagun
>Dear colleagues!
>Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Missy Cross and I work for
>the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Our office conducts
>a partnership program between high schools in the United States and schools in
>the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union, which I coordinate.
>Elena Borovikova at Moscow school 471 reccommended that I contact you.
>As part of this partnership program, we are conducting an exchange of school
>directors in March. There will be a group of 36 administrators coming to the
>US for the inbound program, which will take place from March 16 - 29, 1996.
>The group will arrive in Washington on the evening of the 16th and return to
>Moscow on the evening of March 29. During the first phase of the program,
>from March 16 - 20, the administrators will participate in a 3-day development
>seminar at NASSP and get the chance to spend some time in Washington, DC.
>During the second phase, from March 20 - 26, they will travel to schools
>around the country for individual visits. This will give them the chance to
>evaluate existing or future school partnerships, shadow an American colleague,
>participate in everyday school life, become acquainted with the host
>community, and learn more about American education. Finally, the group will
>return to Washington March 26 for a de-briefing and evaluation program. They
>will then return to Moscow on March 29. The program provides a unique
>opportunity for the administrators to both gain professional training and to
>become acquainted with American education and community life.
>I am seeking a host school for Anna Lagun, deputy director of school 471, as
>she is not directly involved in our school partnership program but will
>participate in this exchange. She was selected for participation by the
>Russian Ministry of Education. Elena suggested that you might be interested
>in hosting her during the second week of the program. If you would like to
>host Anna, we will work with you to make all arrangements for her and finance
>her travel to your school(s). We are particularly excited about the
>possibility of having her hosted by a school involved in the Metropolis
>Project, as school 471 has done significant work with this program.
>Please let me know as soon as possible whether this might be an opportunity of
>interest to you! Please also do not hesitate to call if you have any
>questions. I can be reached at (800) 253-7746, ext. 282.
>Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you!
>Best wishes,
>Missy Cross
>NIS Program Manager
Peter Smagorinsky
University of Oklahoma
College of Education
Department of Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum
820 Van Vleet Oval
Norman, OK 73019-0260
fax: (405)325-4061
smagor who-is-at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu
psmagorinsky who-is-at uoknor.edu