Van: cberken who-is-at (Carol Berkenkotter)
Re the use of Vygotsky's work with regard to special populations, I'm
interested in finding out of anyone on the list is doing work on the
application of Vygotsky's work to understanding the particular problems
with the regression/deterioration of conceptual development experienced by
schizophrenics. Vygotsky worked with 2 American psychologists who visited
him in the mid-1930's, and then wrote a book, _Thought and Language in
The interest in Vygotsky's theories in regard to understanding
schizophrenic individuals particular problems with language and
communication waned in the next two decades. I'd be interested if knowing
if anyone on this list knows of work with this special population in Russia
(or elsewhere) using a Vygotskyan approach.
Carol Berkenkotter
>Noel Gregg commented that he would be interested in applications of
>Vygotsky's work to special populations. Michael Gerber and I will be
>presenting at a round table on "Vygotskian Perspectives on Early Writing
>Development: Implications for Students with Learning Disabilities". In
>this paper we discuss the writing difficulties of students with LD in
>relationship to Vygotsky's view of the "history of sign development" and
>his perspectives on the nature of disabilities. An argument will be made
>for the necessity of incorporating an approach to writing instruction for
>students with LD that augments what has come to be known as the "writing
>process approach".
>Genevieve Manset
>SUNY Geneseo
Jacques Haenen
Utrecht University
IVLOS Institute of Education
P.O. Box 80127 tel +31 30 2533400
NL-3508 TC Utrecht fax +31 30 2532741
Netherlands email j.haenen who-is-at