The discussions on play have been stimulating... wish I could have more
time to reflect and read on the topic... Friday is the only time I could
have some breathing space...
I'd like to find out if you're interested in looking at play from a
phenomenological perspective... it's something I haven't had a chance to
follow up during my dissertation research. I was doing analysis of my
verbal play data from young Cantonese adolescents and came across David
Jardine's ref.:
Jardine D. (1988). Play and hermeneutics: An exploration of the
bi-polarities of mutual understanding. __Journal of Curriculum
Theorizing__, 8, 2, 23-42.
I wasn't able to lay hands on this article as it's not available in my
institute's library; has anybody read this and can give us a brief
P.S. By the way, Happy Chinese Lunar New Year (the 18th of February)--
Kung Hey Fat Choy!
Angel Lin
E-Mail: ENANGEL who-is-at CITYU.EDU.HK