It has been refreshing to read so much on play last days.
My problem in following the tides of discussion is the
concept of play. If we have an episode (an excellent one) of
a child=B4s activity is it a description of play? Does the
concept of activity have any relevance in relation to play?
If it has we should perhaps describe the whole structure of
play and not only rules and roles? What do you think is play
an activity type and what consequences does it have on doing
research or describing play in developmental framework?
Happy Valentines Day!
Pentti Hakkarainen
Institute for Educational Research
Jyv=E4skyl=E4 university
P.O.B. 35
40351 Jyvaskyla
Tel 358-41-603322
=46ax: 358-41-603201
email: phakkara who-is-at