Hi Keith and others,
I am not sure if I understood anything about this theme.
But I have anlyzed childrens peer play in day care setting
by using activity structure metaphor a la Engestrom.
I try to show how the object of play (in my case exchange
relations) guides the dialogue between children. There are
no adults present in these plays, but we have compared
the same play situation with younger children (2-3 years) where
adults active partaking is necessary. I think there is
an interesting time/history problem in the orchestration metaphor.
I would be glad to know where and when Keith=B4s analysis
will be published?
Pentti Hakkarainen
Institute for Educational Research
Jyv=E4skyl=E4 university
P.O.B. 35
40351 Jyvaskyla
Tel 358-41-603322
=46ax: 358-41-603201
email: phakkara who-is-at jyu.fi