Re: Membership Drive

Eugene Matusov (ematusov who-is-at
Tue, 30 Jan 1996 21:15:37 -0800

Hi Peter--

How are you doing?

I'm confused a bit the membership fees. Do you mean by the Vygotsky
Centennial meeting the conference in Geneva in September or the conference
in Chicago?

It is too bad can't go to Chicago for the Vygotsky's conference. I'm too
much committed this year: I'm going to the AAAL conference in Chicago in
March, AERA in NY, Sociocultural conference in Geneva, Science conference in
Japan (probably), and besides I am in the mid of job hunt!

Will I see you at the AERA in NY? Hope to see you there!

Take care,


At 11:20 AM 1/30/96 -0600, psmagorinsky who-is-at wrote:
>As part of our annual membership drive, we have decided to offer a reduced
>membership to rate to those who attend the Vygotsky Centenniel: $5 regular,
>$3 for full time students. To get this membership rate, you can send it
now to:
>Peg Graham
>U. of Georgia
>125 Aderhold Hall
>Athens, GA 30602
>or you can join the assembly at the conference in Chicago. The Assembly for
>Research is the only research organization within NCTE whose membership is
>not restricted to invited or elected members, and therefore provides an open
>forum for discussion of research issues.
>Peter Smagorinsky
>University of Oklahoma
>College of Education
>Department of Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum
>820 Van Vleet Oval
>Norman, OK 73019-0260
>fax: (405)325-4061
>smagor who-is-at
>psmagorinsky who-is-at

Eugene Matusov
UC Santa Cruz