Position in Children's and Adolescents' Literature

James Gavelek (gavelek who-is-at msu.edu)
Sun, 28 Jan 96 21:04:55 -0600


The Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University is
seeking to fill a tenure-track position in Children's and Adolescents'
Literature at the assistant professor level. The position,beginning
August,1996, provides exciting opportunities for working with an
interdisciplinary group of faculty. Interests of the faculty associated
with language and literacy include the social, cultural, and cognitive
dimensions of literacy; response to text; and the role of literary theory
and literature study in the education of beginning and experienced
teachers. The faculty member hired in the Literature position is expected
to collaborate with the language and literacy faculty in program
development, evaluation and delivery in preservice teacher education,
graduate teacher education within the Masters Degree Program in Literacy
Instruction, and doctoral education.

Responsibilites include: (1) teaching courses in children's and
adolesents' literature at the undergraduate and graduate levels, (2)
conducting and publishing research exploring critical issues in the
teaching of children's and adolescents' literature, (3) providing scholarly
leadership in the field of children's and adolescents' literature and (4)
collaborating with other faculty in ongoing evaluation and development of
the programs and courses related to language and literacy at all levels.

Qualifications include (1) an earned doctorate in a discipline
related to teaching and research in the area of children's and adolescents'
literature, (2) evidence of participation as an active and promising
teacher and researcher in this and/or related areas, and (3) interest in
working collaboratively with colleagues in language, literacy, and teacher
education program development and delivery at the undergraduate, masters,
and doctoral levels. In addition, desirable qualifications include (a) a
record of scholarly publications, (b) experience in teaching and mentoring
students, (c) experience working in teacher education in culturally diverse
settings, and (d) corollary interests in areas such as reading, integrated
language arts, writing development, multicultural education, or the social
and cultural dimensions of literature and literacy learning.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of application, three
letters of reference (sent directly by referees), and samples of scholarly
writing (e.g., articles, chapters, dissertation abstract, papers) to Taffy
Raphael, Search Committee Chair, Department of Teacher Education, Michigan
State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1034. We will begin screening
applications on March 1, 1996 and continue until the position has been

Taffy E. Raphael
Departments of Teacher Education and Educational Psychology
304 Erickson Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517 355 1786
Fax: 517 353 6393