Re: cross-postings
psmagorinsky who-is-at
Fri, 26 Jan 96 14:47:06 -0600
At 10:19 AM 1/26/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I think this is going to be a problem, and I don't know why we can't
>just leave it up to people on both lists to forward stuff from the
>conference list to XMCA when appropriate (my experience with pre-
>conference lists elsewhere suggests that quite a lot of the traffic
>will turn out to be conference-specific, and not of much interest to
>XMCA). Is the conference list archived somewhere so that if
>something got missed we could go back for it?
Russ and others--we thought we'd give this method a shot. As far as
archiving the list for reference, that's a level of sophistication I haven't
yet reached. Mike had wanted a way to make this discussion available, and
this was the cleanest solution in terms of not monopolizing my time any
further (I'm absolutely buried by trying to plan the conference).
Forwarding posts selectively gets to be tricky, and could result in 10
people cross-posting the same message.
All xmca subscribers--let me know if the current plan (in effect for only a
few days now) is messing up the mca discussion, and I'll work with Mike on a
Peter Smagorinsky
University of Oklahoma
College of Education
Department of Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum
820 Van Vleet Oval
Norman, OK 73019-0260
fax: (405)325-4061
smagor who-is-at
psmagorinsky who-is-at