[Xmca-l] Fwd: [COGDEVSOC] Call for submissions - DUCOG online May 19-21 - Linguistic and cognitive foundations of meaning
mike cole
Thu Feb 18 09:24:53 PST 2021
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From: Andrási Krisztina <andrasi.krisztina@ppk.elte.hu>
Date: Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 9:21 AM
Subject: [COGDEVSOC] Call for submissions - DUCOG online May 19-21 -
Linguistic and cognitive foundations of meaning
To: cogdevsoc@lists.cogdevsoc.org <cogdevsoc@lists.cogdevsoc.org>
Dear All,
We are delighted to announce that, despite the global pandemic, the XII.
Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science (DUCOG) will go ahead in an
*online* format.
*Conference theme*: Linguistic and cognitive foundations of meaning
*Dates*: May 19-21, 2021 (from 4pm to 9pm CET)
*Venue*: online in both synchronous and asynchronous formats
Language and cognition are intimately linked, but debates about the exact
nature of their relationship still occupy a central focus in cognitive
science. Meaning provides an important window onto the interface between
language and broader cognition: on one hand, language can be viewed as
mapping onto pre-existing concepts, on the other hand, language can be
thought of as a set of cues to meaning. Our invited program brings together
an interdisciplinary set of speakers with diverse theoretical perspectives
and empirical approaches to discuss issues at the interface of language and
cognition within the domain of meaning.
The live program will consist of talks by the invited speakers and
contributed presentations, as well as discussion sessions. We solicit
abstract submissions for two streams of contributed presentations:
(i) talks presented live on topics closely related to the conference
theme, and
(ii) asynchronous presentations in free formats on any topics in cognitive
*Abstract submissions will be accepted until March 31, 2021 with
notifications by April 19th. *Please indicate your preference for live vs.
asynchronous presentation during submission.
Invited speakers include:
Marina Bedny <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://pbs.jhu.edu/directory/marina-bedny/__;!!Mih3wA!TAf31H8-k374HiBlpQ3oFtrfcfu4tzPRHMKYCXhGGXec-uQbIuwmV7i-GLsONlY4UsTl2A$ > - Johns Hopkins
University (US)
Susan Carey <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.harvardlds.org/our-labs/carey-lab/susan-carey/__;!!Mih3wA!TAf31H8-k374HiBlpQ3oFtrfcfu4tzPRHMKYCXhGGXec-uQbIuwmV7i-GLsONlYzwoq1tw$ > –
Harvard University (US)
Jean-Rémy Hochmann <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.google.com/site/jrhochmann/home__;!!Mih3wA!TAf31H8-k374HiBlpQ3oFtrfcfu4tzPRHMKYCXhGGXec-uQbIuwmV7i-GLsONla8We1j8g$ > -
CNRS-ISCMJ, Université Lyon 1 (France)
Gary Lupyan <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://psych.wisc.edu/staff/lupyan-gary/__;!!Mih3wA!TAf31H8-k374HiBlpQ3oFtrfcfu4tzPRHMKYCXhGGXec-uQbIuwmV7i-GLsONlYobtO-Kg$ > - University of
Wisconsin-Madison (US)
Asifa Majid <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.york.ac.uk/psychology/staff/academicstaff/am2574/__;!!Mih3wA!TAf31H8-k374HiBlpQ3oFtrfcfu4tzPRHMKYCXhGGXec-uQbIuwmV7i-GLsONlbw8QR09A$ >
- University of York (UK)
Paul Pietroski <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.philosophy.umd.edu/people/pietroski__;!!Mih3wA!TAf31H8-k374HiBlpQ3oFtrfcfu4tzPRHMKYCXhGGXec-uQbIuwmV7i-GLsONlbpRa6VVg$ > - Rutgers
University (US)
Uli Sauerland
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.leibniz-zas.de/en/people/details/sauerland-uli/uli-sauerland/__;!!Mih3wA!TAf31H8-k374HiBlpQ3oFtrfcfu4tzPRHMKYCXhGGXec-uQbIuwmV7i-GLsONlYYCgpMdw$ >
- Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (Germany)
Alexis Wellwood <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://semantics.land/__;!!Mih3wA!TAf31H8-k374HiBlpQ3oFtrfcfu4tzPRHMKYCXhGGXec-uQbIuwmV7i-GLsONlZAt7amOQ$ > - University of Southern
California (US)
For more information please visit: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ducog.cecog.eu/__;!!Mih3wA!TAf31H8-k374HiBlpQ3oFtrfcfu4tzPRHMKYCXhGGXec-uQbIuwmV7i-GLsONlbo65APvA$
or email us at: ducog@cecog.eu
On behalf of the organizers,
Rachel Dudley
Isabelle Dautriche
- Conference chairs
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