[Xmca-l] Launching the University of Students
Ana Marjanovic-Shane
Wed Feb 3 15:52:33 PST 2021
Dear friends and colleagues,
We<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://universityofstudents.tilda.ws/org__;!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8quApP8iA$ > want to invite you to participate in a unique experimental learning experience – The University of Students (UniS) – that we are launching at the beginning of 2021. The University of Students is based on the idea that a student is the author of their own education. The University of Students exists for the students, by the students, through the students. Our students are free to choose and decide for themselves whether – what – how – where – when – and with whom to study. These decisions can be made by the student alone, with peer students, and/or with a pedagogue (advisor, teacher, professor, professional expert, etc.) if needed.
According to our vision, we support a student’s interest through a rich learning environment. When you join the University of Students, you will have diverse opportunities for socializing with people of similar and different interests and expertise, for observation of and participation in many diverse activities and dialogues, for resources to start a new project, and for other diverse sources of help. We aim to do everything to support your self-directed learning experience. The idea behind the University of Students is not new, it existed in diverse forms for about 300 years in Southern Europe (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.historytoday.com/alan-b-cobban/student-power-middle-ages__;!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8oit5pOHA$ ).
University of Students (UniS) is a non-profit project. It is an educational space, online and offline, built on horizontal connections among people and among the communities that emerge here.
Disclaimer: The University of Students is not responsible in any way for the work of its edu-clubs, courses, and educational enterprises that it tries to assist .
The University of Students may help you:
1. Find peer students around the globe who may be interested in studying together with you;
2. Find educators/experts/practitioners who may help your self-study;
3. Create your own educational club (edu-club) or course for your self-study with other people;
4. Join an existing edu-club or course of your interest;
5. Start your educational process with the help of an accompanying advisor (pedagogue). In accompanying dialogues with the advisor, you can clarify and articulate your emerging and changing interest in education, indicating further steps, so that you can start and propel your exciting educational journey.
6. Explore what you want to study and find possible educational trajectories;
7. About the organization of your edu-club or course;
8. To get funds for learning activities that may require additional financial support;
9. Find instructional materials for your study (e.g., literature, videos, activities, sites, platforms).
There are two possible entrances to the University of Students (Feel free to choose how you want to enter):
1. A “messy” view of the UniS: You can visit our Miro board of the University of Students here (a bird’s eye’s view): https://<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_ldMzx5M=/?moveToWidget=3074457354018088778&cot=14__;!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8qfc-mDzg$ >u.nu/universityofstudents<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://u.nu/universityofstudents__;!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8or1e6g9g$ >
2. A structured view of the UniS: Please see the Club Directory<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_ldMzx5M=/?moveToWidget=3074457354030049113&cot=10__;!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8pX_AZlfA$ > of the existing edu-clubs that you can sign-up for now.
To enroll in the University of Students fill out the following Google Form: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/ufpnrkiYtQ73fwDq6__;!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8oMVFdfMw$
Note: You should receive a confirmation email with the further instructions in a few minutes after you filled out the Google Form. If you did not get the confirmation email, please check your junk email box.
If you want to start a new edu-club or course at the University of Students and need help, please contact: org@universityofstudents.org<mailto:org@universityofstudents.org> We can help you advertise your edu-club/course to the University of Students members and other networks.
If you have questions, please, check Answers on the Frequently Asked Questions<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://universityofstudents.tilda.ws/faq__;!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8oNUk-w0Q$ > and/or contact us directly at org@universityofstudents.org<mailto:org@universityofstudents.org>
Please visit the University of Students website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://universityofstudents.org__;!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8omxH_Hug$ . Watch the UniS trailer: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://universityofstudents.org/phil*video__;Iw!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8qApwc9_w$
Please forward this email to those who might be interested.
The University of Students Org Committee<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://universityofstudents.org/org__;!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8rYP951KQ$ >
Eugene Matusov, Professor of Education, University of Delaware, USA
Artyom Fyodorov, co-founder of the free school SOVUM, Tver, Russia
Ana Marjanovic-Shane, independent scholar, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Victor Perminov, student of business & cognitive science, University of Minerva School, Israel
Tatyana Yastrebova, psychologist-consultant and leader of psychological groups, Angarsk, Russia
Olga Shugurova, educator and researcher, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Abram de Bruyn, graduate student of philosophy, Columbia University, New School, USA
Ann Qiu, MEd & MSc; founder of iSkool Learning Company, China
Alina Sharova, educational consultant, The Creative Foundation Islands, Russia
Nikolina Božanović, student of psychology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
To enroll in the University of Students fill out the following Google Form: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/ufpnrkiYtQ73fwDq6__;!!Mih3wA!QywbP7-46m239QVdyaZ68-TFzzCCkpBkxF-uoo1uBDFs1-cQURRxIxo_MAWNy8oMVFdfMw$
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