[Xmca-l] Request for readers
Worthen, Helena Harlow
Tue Oct 13 20:18:00 PDT 2020
Hello — Joe Berry and I have “finished” our book on faculty organizing and representation in higher education and are now working with Pluto Press — https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.plutobooks.com__;!!Mih3wA!VSCzfBmItqHtnOuKwJHE8vnRa2ofqf22iz8yMSLbHJpMG8xejnqPrQfgh7jEXVkgFPG12g$ — to get it published. They have asked us for names of people to whom they might send it out for preliminary reactions. This is not the same as getting it reviewed. It’s part of motivating the commmitment of the publisher to going through with the work. So we’re looking for names of people who are knowledgable about higher ed as an industry and sympathetic to the idea that faculty usually know what they need to get the job done.
Europeans and non-US people welcome.
Thanks — Helena
Worthen, Helena Harlow
helenaworthen.wordpress.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://helenaworthen.wordpress.com__;!!Mih3wA!VSCzfBmItqHtnOuKwJHE8vnRa2ofqf22iz8yMSLbHJpMG8xejnqPrQfgh7jEXVnU0wjoEw$ >
check your registration at vote.gov<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://vote.gov__;!!Mih3wA!VSCzfBmItqHtnOuKwJHE8vnRa2ofqf22iz8yMSLbHJpMG8xejnqPrQfgh7jEXVnYcPk1zA$ >
On Aug 28, 2020, at 12:27 PM, Stetsenko, Anna <AStetsenko@gc.cuny.edu<mailto:AStetsenko@gc.cuny.edu>> wrote:
Hello to all -
looking forward to the new season of collaboration! Exciting news from Beth on the strike...will look into that, sounds great.
One glitch is that Tuesday is the only day of the week that does not work for me - Department meetings/colloquium 12 to 2 (EST) and then my class..
Hope you all are doing well, including Mike,
all best,
Anna Stetsenko, PhD
Ph.D. Programs in Psychology/Human Development and in Urban Education
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York
365 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10016
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://annastetsenko.ws.gc.cuny.edu/__;!!Mih3wA!VSCzfBmItqHtnOuKwJHE8vnRa2ofqf22iz8yMSLbHJpMG8xejnqPrQfgh7jEXVlJTeeX-g$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://annastetsenko.ws.gc.cuny.edu/__;!!Mih3wA!Qi03FT8p-V7HWyLD0JYiDMr31mpkuJ_7sfG73aMzi6IwzymWZobD6g-bNsYo9lStAf5yQiW1Ojmg$>
visit https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.academia.edu__;!!Mih3wA!VSCzfBmItqHtnOuKwJHE8vnRa2ofqf22iz8yMSLbHJpMG8xejnqPrQfgh7jEXVkObrPYsw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.academia.edu__;!!Mih3wA!Qi03FT8p-V7HWyLD0JYiDMr31mpkuJ_7sfG73aMzi6IwzymWZobD6g-bNsYo9lStAf5yQvKEbOiG$> for my recent publications
From: spencerutopia-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:spencerutopia-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu> <spencerutopia-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:spencerutopia-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>> on behalf of Rajala, Antti J <antti.rajala@helsinki.fi<mailto:antti.rajala@helsinki.fi>>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 2:44 AM
To: Beth Ferholt
Cc: spencerutopia-l@mailman.ucsd.edu<mailto:spencerutopia-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>
Subject: [Spencerutopia-L] Re: Request for a session
Hi Beth, Aydin, Helena, Mike, Andre, Sanaz, all
Beth - Absolutely no problem. You are engaged in so important work. Everything possible should be done to activate people before November.
Mike wrote that for him September 8 would be ok. So lets stick to that since it is Mike’s turn to present.
Everyone, please let me know if you can make it on Tue Sept 8 at 9.30 (California time). You can send a private message.
Take care Mike, we are with you in the operations.
Beth Ferholt <bferholt@gmail.com<mailto:bferholt@gmail.com>> kirjoitti 28.8.2020 kello 2.09:
Hi all,
Thank you for your patience as we had a week of union actions (CUNY) and strike preparation (UFT) work here in NYC -- stay tuned as if all the NYC teachers strike despite our Taylor laws (stopping the strikes) ,,, it will be news!
I can generally do Tuesdays and would love to meet whenever is best for all.
I hope all goes well, Mike -- thinking of you.
On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 7:31 PM Aydin Bal <aydinkbal@gmail.com<mailto:aydinkbal@gmail.com>> wrote:
Dear Mike,
I hope all will go well with your procedure. It is perfectly fine with me to meet at 10:30 (pst) on 9/1 or postpone it to next week. Also, Having meetings on Tuesdays at 9:30 (pst) would work for me during the fall semester.
Kind regards,
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 25, 2020, at 3:11 PM, mike cole <mcole@ucsd.edu<mailto:mcole@ucsd.edu>> wrote:
Antti et al-
I have just been told to get a covid test at 9am next Tuesday in preparation for a procedure on
thursday morning. From other parallel conversations I know that many are overburdened with the start of school and a rush
to get writing done.
I could start at 10:30 PDT but perhap postponing would be the best route?
On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 12:40 PM Rajala, Antti J <antti.rajala@helsinki.fi<mailto:antti.rajala@helsinki.fi>> wrote:
Dear all
This is a gentle reminder about our session next week. I’ve got four positive answers in addition to mine, so I think it is best to move forward with this date. I am sure more people will join. I’ll send the Zoom link soon.
Rajala, Antti J <antti.rajala@helsinki.fi<mailto:antti.rajala@helsinki.fi>> kirjoitti 15.8.2020 kello 23.37:
Dear Mike and all
I think Mike’s suggestion is very good. We did not plan the fall activity yet and this is an excellent start.
Our usual meeting has been the first Tuesday every month. How would Tue Sep 1 work for everyone, at 9.30 PST, 12.30 (NYC), 18.30 (Sweden), 19.30 (Finland), etc.?
Let me also introduce two new members. Sanaz Farhangi has worked on transformative activist stance framework and joined the Re-gen symposium at the EARLI conference. André Leite similarly joined our symposium and has worked on the notion of prefiguration (and published an excellent paper on the topic in MCA about it which will appear in the next issue). Could you perhaps please introduce yourselves to the group, thanks! (See below the group members)
Please also see below and attached a symposium submitted for evaluation from our affinity group. Fingers crossed.
Looking forward to our next discussion with Mike!
Best, Antti
Breaking the Climate of No Alternatives: Power of Utopian Methodology (See attached)
Chairs Cole, Mike, Rajala, Antti, & Ferholt, Beth
Paper 1, Pedagogy of Concrete Utopias: Fostering Students’ Climate Activism and Civic
Engagement - Rajala, Antti, Esteban-Guitart, Moises
Paper 2, Playworlds as Utopian Methodology: Creating Teacher-Researcher
Collaborative Research-Teaching through Adult-Child Joint Play - Ferholt, Beth, Rainio, Anna
Paper 3, Learning Lab: An Enacted Utopia through the Fourth Generation Activity
Theory - Bal, Aydin
Paper 4, Buen Vivir as Utopian Methodology: Reflections from Voces y Manos, a Youth
Program in Rural Guatemala - Bakal, Michael, Vinall, Kimberly
Discussants Vossoughi, Shirin & Booker, Angela
Affinity group members
Alfredo Jornet Gil
Andy Blunden
Anna Rainio
Antti Rajala
Anna Stetsenko
Aydin Bal
Beth Ferholt
Arturo Cortez
Deborah Ralls
Kris Gutiérrez
Helena Worthen
Ivana Guarrasi
Jose Eduardo Sanchez
Julian Williams
Laura Black
Jay Lemke
Mariette de Haan
Mike Cole
Moises Esteban-Guitart
Martin Packer
Robert Lecusay
Shirin Vossoughi
mike cole <mcole@ucsd.edu<mailto:mcole@ucsd.edu>> kirjoitti 15.8.2020 kello 21.41:
Dear Colleagues --
It would help me a lot in the work ahead if I could discuss the importance of "life-span" intervention
research for engaging in utopian research. This paper was completed in 2015, 10 years after the 5thD
ceased existence. In a paper that Antti, Moises, and I are working on, my contribution is to take up what an additional
5 years can provide for extra insight in the processes of institutionalizing the innovation.
I do not know what the lineup is, but any time is good for me. Please put me in line
I[Angelus Novus]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelus_Novus__;!!Mih3wA!WxwaLWTY5iPMqQQLIs64Kl7O2z9jb93uAc7avxkea7OEARgiDMfD963UhygpHxxA1SXU7cxC5tqh$>The Angel's View of History
It is only in a social context that subjectivism and objectivism, spiritualism and materialism, activity and passivity cease to be antinomies, and thus cease to exist as such antinomies. The resolution of the theoretical contradictions is possible only through practical means, only through the practical energy of humans. (Marx, 1844).
Cultural Praxis Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!VSCzfBmItqHtnOuKwJHE8vnRa2ofqf22iz8yMSLbHJpMG8xejnqPrQfgh7jEXVkKWiliGw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!WxwaLWTY5iPMqQQLIs64Kl7O2z9jb93uAc7avxkea7OEARgiDMfD963UhygpHxxA1SXU7UP86DNe$>
Re-generating CHAT Website: re-generatingchat.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://re-generatingchat.com__;!!Mih3wA!WxwaLWTY5iPMqQQLIs64Kl7O2z9jb93uAc7avxkea7OEARgiDMfD963UhygpHxxA1SXU7avd7U5Z$>
Archival resources website: lchc.ucsd.edu [lchc.ucsd.edu]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lchc.ucsd.edu_&d=DwMGaQ&c=8v77JlHZOYsReeOxyYXDU39VUUzHxyfBUh7fw_ZfBDA&r=2kfPn11YFbh2hkICurgZ1_xSyFEpUsNf13uxtVwxkSg&m=YSm7WhswFwrG2GInJaYncgtR2SXykap1U-1NtNlXCIA&s=_InRX3tysV5QjZulPf_QVKP1X21dHiHTMCFh6QN9Q3c&e=>.
Narrative history of LCHC: lchcautobio.ucsd.edu [lchcautobio.ucsd.edu]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lchcautobio.ucsd.edu_&d=DwMGaQ&c=8v77JlHZOYsReeOxyYXDU39VUUzHxyfBUh7fw_ZfBDA&r=2kfPn11YFbh2hkICurgZ1_xSyFEpUsNf13uxtVwxkSg&m=YSm7WhswFwrG2GInJaYncgtR2SXykap1U-1NtNlXCIA&s=vwbbuS-iKu9A5Tq-hgHhICGCntHu9VWdMx8xmr_W6cs&e=>.
<aera21_proceeding_session_1686404 (1).pdf>
I[Angelus Novus]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelus_Novus__;!!Mih3wA!VQTMMYDaNzoMB6-Za3-J8iK3J-O4JhAfhSn0ZVxNt1KHUEAAxoDbhZDNqYourL44W1O2kydieWpy$>The Angel's View of History
It is only in a social context that subjectivism and objectivism, spiritualism and materialism, activity and passivity cease to be antinomies, and thus cease to exist as such antinomies. The resolution of the theoretical contradictions is possible only through practical means, only through the practical energy of humans. (Marx, 1844).
Cultural Praxis Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!VSCzfBmItqHtnOuKwJHE8vnRa2ofqf22iz8yMSLbHJpMG8xejnqPrQfgh7jEXVkKWiliGw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!VQTMMYDaNzoMB6-Za3-J8iK3J-O4JhAfhSn0ZVxNt1KHUEAAxoDbhZDNqYourL44W1O2kxi3zuue$>
Re-generating CHAT Website: re-generatingchat.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://re-generatingchat.com__;!!Mih3wA!VQTMMYDaNzoMB6-Za3-J8iK3J-O4JhAfhSn0ZVxNt1KHUEAAxoDbhZDNqYourL44W1O2kwc8UKsw$>
Archival resources website: lchc.ucsd.edu [lchc.ucsd.edu]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lchc.ucsd.edu_&d=DwMGaQ&c=8v77JlHZOYsReeOxyYXDU39VUUzHxyfBUh7fw_ZfBDA&r=2kfPn11YFbh2hkICurgZ1_xSyFEpUsNf13uxtVwxkSg&m=YSm7WhswFwrG2GInJaYncgtR2SXykap1U-1NtNlXCIA&s=_InRX3tysV5QjZulPf_QVKP1X21dHiHTMCFh6QN9Q3c&e=>.
Narrative history of LCHC: lchcautobio.ucsd.edu [lchcautobio.ucsd.edu]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lchcautobio.ucsd.edu_&d=DwMGaQ&c=8v77JlHZOYsReeOxyYXDU39VUUzHxyfBUh7fw_ZfBDA&r=2kfPn11YFbh2hkICurgZ1_xSyFEpUsNf13uxtVwxkSg&m=YSm7WhswFwrG2GInJaYncgtR2SXykap1U-1NtNlXCIA&s=vwbbuS-iKu9A5Tq-hgHhICGCntHu9VWdMx8xmr_W6cs&e=>.
Beth Ferholt (pronouns: she/her/hers)
Associate Professor
Department of Early Childhood and Art Education
Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Affiliated Faculty, Program in Urban Education, CUNY Graduate Center
Affiliated Faculty, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University
Cultural Praxis Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!VSCzfBmItqHtnOuKwJHE8vnRa2ofqf22iz8yMSLbHJpMG8xejnqPrQfgh7jEXVkKWiliGw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net/__;!!Mih3wA!S9yII85CVRI0gLA8zFdM7zLnAQfMJmBeehshz_Vvi909n4lisNeBKPskLcqOVz6_ybXW6-b2iCRZ$>
Re-generating CHAT Website: re-generatingchat.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://re-generatingchat.com/__;!!Mih3wA!S9yII85CVRI0gLA8zFdM7zLnAQfMJmBeehshz_Vvi909n4lisNeBKPskLcqOVz6_ybXW66E349ov$>
Narrative history of LCHC: lchcautobio.ucsd.edu [lchcautobio.ucsd.edu]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lchcautobio.ucsd.edu_&d=DwMGaQ&c=8v77JlHZOYsReeOxyYXDU39VUUzHxyfBUh7fw_ZfBDA&r=2kfPn11YFbh2hkICurgZ1_xSyFEpUsNf13uxtVwxkSg&m=YSm7WhswFwrG2GInJaYncgtR2SXykap1U-1NtNlXCIA&s=vwbbuS-iKu9A5Tq-hgHhICGCntHu9VWdMx8xmr_W6cs&e=>
Email: bferholt@brooklyn.cuny.edu<mailto:bferholt@brooklyn.cuny.edu>
CC bferholt@gmail.com<mailto:bferholt@gmail.com> if writing to CUNY address.
Phone: (718) 951-5205
Office: 2306 James Hall
2900 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210-2889
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