[Xmca-l] Re: Fwd: [New post] Why generations?
Arturo Cortez
Wed Nov 25 08:23:31 PST 2020
For real!! Those fools ain’t worth your brilliance. But, real talk: did Anthony Barra say that I misunderstood because of my language and culture? That s**t is racist, if so.
You doing alright? I need to figure out how to chill with you one day. Wish we lived closer, but I know we’ll figure it out.
Lots of love to you and your family. Thank you for checking in. And let’s take a break from these jerks. I needed to make sure that student didn’t get framed in a messed up way and I assumed there would be blowback. If these fools had any power I’d be concerned. While their insignificance annoys me, it annoys me further that they think anything they say matters beyond their bubble and to that matter: I don’t think it is possible to engage them in any reflection as it is impossible for them to apologize. So check minus to them.
Love you!!!
Talk soon,
Arturo Cortez, PhD
Assistant Professor
Teacher Learning, Research & Practice
Learning Sciences & Human Development
School of Education | UCB 249 | Room 314
University of Colorado Boulder
Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho Territories
415.261.3155 (mobile)
Sign up for office hours here.
> On Nov 24, 2020, at 19:34, Anthony Barra <anthonymbarra@gmail.com> wrote:
> You should not be upset, Andy, as there was nothing negative in the way you introduced that video.
> Sometimes, in cross-cultural settings, a phrase or two can translate in unexpected ways. But that's a small price to pay, compared to the much larger benefits of an international community.
> Happily, everyone is back on the same page now. So keep your head high.
> Anthony
>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 7:11 PM Andy Blunden <andyb@marxists.org> wrote:
>> I never intended my message to frame Anna's question as "adversarial." Of course it was genuine! It is also true that many people have been wanting an answer to this question and I meant to applaud Anna for posing the question to Yjro. As it happens Yrjo gave an excellent answer to the question. He both explained how it has led to unfortunate misunderstandings of which he was well aware, and the original, perfectly good meaning that the term has.
>> Obviously I am upset that what I intended as praise for Anna's action has been construed in this way. One lives, one learns. I am sorry. I hope now that xmca-ers who are interested in Yrjo's work will have a look at the video and maybe make a comment on it, and we will all have learnt.
>> andy
>> Andy Blunden
>> Hegel for Social Movements
>> Home Page
>>> On 25/11/2020 4:06 am, ARTURO CORTEZ wrote:
>>> Hi, Andy.
>>> Thanks for bringing this video to the attention of xmca. As a co-designer and participant in the course, I would frame this differently. Anna asked a genuine question that she (and others) had and was eager to learn more about 4th Gen from an expert, Dr. Engeström, who was very responsive. The class was a very generative space and I don’t recall an adversarial or confrontational instance (and I’ve analyzed the videos) during Yrjo’s talk or others. As someone who was there, I thought it was important to share this context.
>>> Best,
>>> Arturo
>>>> On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 5:26 PM Andy Blunden <andyb@marxists.org> wrote:
>>>> See the latest video clip on culturalpraxis.net - a young researcher puts Yrjo on the spot with the question everyone has been asking: What's this with the "fourth generation"?
>>>> Andy
>>>> New post on Cultural Praxis
>>>> Why generations?
>>>> by Victoria
>>>> In this video Professor Yrjö Engeström responds to Anna Zarkh's question on the reasons to use the term generations to approach cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT). The piece is an excerpt from the seminar "From CHAT to critical CHAT, organized by Professor Kris Gutierrez and Edward Rivero at University of California Berkeley (Spring 2020). The course was attended by roughly 50 scholars from various parts of the US and Europe.
>>>> Go to our Youtube Library for longer interviews and presentations by distinguished CHAT scholars and educators.
>>>> Victoria | November 23, 2020 at 6:16 pm | Categories: Video Series: Join the discussion | URL: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net/wordpress1/?p=727__;!!Mih3wA!Tf4IV310wqJlF4yu_q8x9KfhBu3tyRn70kSajtxvUkBcXRw2s-DLVVSuSuFauC6BZG_Qpg$
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