[Xmca-l] Re: Teacher Learning & CHAT

Adam Lefstein alefstein@gmail.com
Thu May 14 08:26:14 PDT 2020

Dear Arturo,
I wish I could enroll in your course!  I'm not aware of work in the teacher
learning field that self-identifies as "critical CHAT", but there are quite
a few of us who are influenced by sociocultural ideas about teacher
learning on the job.  I recommend in particular research by Judith Warren
Little, Ilana Horn, Nicole Louie, Elham Kazemi, and Peter Smagorinsky.
Some colleagues and I recently published a review of 64 studies of teacher
collaborative discourse, many of which adopt a roughly sociocultural
Lefstein, A., Louie, N., Segal, A., & Becher, A. (2020). Taking Stock of
Research on Teacher Collaborative Discourse: Theory and Method in a Nascent
Field.   *Teaching and Teacher Education, 88.  *
And we wrote an essay on the topic that I'm happy to share (forthcoming in
Educational Researcher).
Finally, this piece takes a relatively CHAT perspective on the topic:
Segal, A., Lefstein, A. & Vedder-Weiss, D. (2018) Appropriating Protocols
for the Regulation of Teacher Professional Conversations.  *Teaching and
Teacher Education, 70*, 215-226*.*
I'm happy to share e-copies off list if anyone is interested.  I look
forward to hearing others' ideas, and to connecting with others who are
interested in the topic (and please send the syllabus for your course).
Best wishes,

On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 05:49, ARTURO CORTEZ <cortez@berkeley.edu> wrote:

> Hello, colleagues.
> I hope this message finds you well. I am planning to teach a course in the
> Fall entitled Teacher Learning and Critical CHAT. I am reaching out to get
> a list of readings that you think would be foundational and on the cutting
> edge in this domain. In particular, the course aims to introduce teacher
> educators/researchers  a Critical CHAT perspective as they design teacher
> learning environments. A specific feature of the course is to support the
> doctoral students in developing and building a theory of learning for
> teachers. If you have any recommendations, especially the names of scholars
> in this field, it would be much appreciated.
> Thank you so much for considering.
> Take care,
> Arturo Cortez
> --
> *Arturo Cortez, PhD*
> Assistant Professor
> Teacher Learning, Research & Practice
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אדם לפסטיין

آدم لفستين

Adam Lefstein

ראש המחלקה לחינוך

رئيس قسم التربية

Chair, Education Department <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://in.bgu.ac.il/humsos/edu/__;!!Mih3wA!Q6dDFTbuVSfcCbqgzGTWAINVyQGd9KCDEiC8-uqOp_P_x9h_PKE5UJmnUHspaJADafYhKg$ >

המעבדה לחקר הפדגוגיה

مختبر ابحاث تربوية

Laboratory for the Study of Pedagogy <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://in.bgu.ac.il/humsos/pedagogy/__;!!Mih3wA!Q6dDFTbuVSfcCbqgzGTWAINVyQGd9KCDEiC8-uqOp_P_x9h_PKE5UJmnUHspaJCOW7o_oQ$ >
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