[Xmca-l] Mind in Society

Wagner Luiz Schmit wagner.schmit@gmail.com
Tue May 5 13:14:20 PDT 2020

Dear colleagues,

Due to the vast popularity of the book "mind in society" here in Brazil,
some students of mine asked me for the original sources of the material. I
tried to find a paper about it, but could not. Does anyone have it?

I tried to do it by myself, mostly by what I remember, I need to dive in
lots of texts and, due to the pandemic, I had no time for it yet.

Chapter 1: Tool and Symbol in Child Development
Tool and Symbol

Chapter 2: The Development of Perception and Attention
Collected works Volume 4
The History of the Development of the Higher Mental Functions
Chapter 9: Mastering Attention

Chapter 3: Mastery of Memory and Thinking
Collected works Volume 4
The History of the Development of the Higher Mental Functions
Chapter 10: The Development of Mnemonic and Mnemotechnical Functions

Chapter 4: Internalization of Higher Psychological Functions
Collected works Volume 4
The History of the Development of the Higher Mental Functions
Chapter 5: Genesis of Higher Mental Functions

Chapter 5: Problems of Method
Collected works Volume 4
The History of the Development of the Higher Mental FunctionsChapter 2:
Research Method

Chapter 6: Interaction between Learning and Development
Thinking and Speech
Chapter 6. The Development of Scientific Concepts in Childhood

Chapter 7: The Role of Play in Development
Play and its role in the Mental development of the Child, 1933

Chapter 8: The Prehistory of Written Language
The Development of Writing in the Child,

Is this right?

Thank you,

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