[Xmca-l] Re: (no subject)
David Kellogg
Tue Feb 11 05:38:37 PST 2020
Dear Bella:
There is the discussion of Charlie Chaplin in the "Crisis at Seven". What
Vygotsky says is that Chaplin's art depends on the presentation of a very
naive, direct, and unmediated relationship between inner self and outer
persona--by implication the intellectualized "wedge' that the child inserts
between these constitutes a neoformation.
My current research is based on figuring out what the grammatical
expressions of this "wedge" are in the Korean language, and sure enough we
are using a lot of data about cinema to do it (the recent CGI version of
the Lion King and the question "Do animals really talk?").
Vygotsky only makes a passing reference to Chaplin and he doesn't discuss
(for example) the extent to which Chaplin's naive and direct personal
depends on not speaking. And of course he didn't know about Chaplin's later
work in talkies, some of which actually hinges on dissemblance and
deception ("Monseiur Verdoux"). But when I watch the final speech at the
end of the Great Dictator, I notice that when Chaplin has something to say
about war and fascism, he just says it. There is something of the naive,
direct, and unmediated relationship between self and persona even there.
David Kellogg
New co-translation, with Nikolai Veresov:
‘L. S. Vygotsky's Pedological Works: Volume 1. Foundations of Pedology’.
Free downloadable PDF with introductory essay, concluding essay.
Free summarizing outlines.
Book product page: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811505270
The eBook is available here: https://link.springer.com/
On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 8:45 PM Bella Kotik-Friedgut <bella.kotik@gmail.com>
> Dear colleagues
> It is well known what was LSV love and writings about theater. Also Ht
> and Luria where very friendly with S. Eisenstein, My question is^ did
> Vygotsky write anything about cinema?
> Sincerely yours Bella Kotik-Friedgut
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