[Xmca-l] Re: Philosophie des Geistes?

Andy Blunden andyb@marxists.org
Sun Aug 2 17:17:54 PDT 2020

Of course time and movement are essential moments of being, 
Mike, but that does not equal "including time in the unit of 
analysis." It is impossible to conceive of a unit of 
analysis, or anything real, which is not subject to all the 
natural conditions of existence, including movement and change.

Some years ago I likened the idea of unit of analysis 
widespread among the older generation of CHAT scholars to a 
suitcase. When you go on a journey you ask yourself what you 
need to pack and put it in your suitcase. This was not the 
idea of Herder, Goethe, Hegel, Marx, Vygotsky or Leontyev.

I have recently put together a comprehensive article on 
units and germs for the purpose of a series of monthly zoom 
discussions organised by John Cripps Clark at Deakin 
University. It will be discussed in September: "The Unit of 
Analysis and Germ Cell in Hegel, Marx and Vygotsky" 

This paper includes 48 examples of "unit of analysis" used 
by various writers.


*Andy Blunden*
Hegel for Social Movements <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7_cs53Zkg$ >
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On 3/08/2020 4:26 am, mike cole wrote:
> We are talking about a living process.  No time, no way to 
> know if there is a contradiction/discoordination with
> no time.. Just timeless logic.
> mike
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 6:59 PM Andy Blunden 
> <andyb@marxists.org <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>> wrote:
>     Mike: "ergo, there needs to be time in the unit of
>     analysis..."
>     I see it differently. As I see it, "Ergo, there needs
>     to be a contradiction in the unit of analysis."
>     Hegel calls this a "concrete individuality."
>     (/conkrete Einzelheit/) Grasping a process entails
>     also grasping it as a "simple something" (/das
>     Einfache/). The very word "unit" suggests this.
>     Andy
>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>     *Andy Blunden*
>     Hegel for Social Movements
>     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!QzMlCZx70ZxnkyT1HzbSwNk_bmzINWj07m8S5jQ3hXxb3w23Q7d6XCeqZWe9YcQgvNjGLg$>
>     Home Page
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>     On 29/07/2020 3:18 am, mike cole wrote:
>>     Hi Andy et al -
>>     I often start from your formula that  "Every
>>     *thing* is, of course, also a *process*, in that
>>     every thing is in movement and change.
>>     ergo, there needs to be time in the unit of analysis..
>>     Seems like you also need scale, or some such
>>     term......  This is illustrated by the powers of ten
>>     video that always flashes past
>>     my mind's eye when this discussion comes up.
>>     The big challenge, always, is to be able to use these
>>     concepts as lenses through which to look at the
>>     processes of learning and development
>>     that people pay us to do something about.
>>     mike
>>     On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 4:28 AM Andy Blunden
>>     <andyb@marxists.org <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>> wrote:
>>         Having taken a moment to think about your
>>         question, Mike, for a change, I think I can
>>         clarify my response.
>>         The response cannot be an either-or answer.
>>         Do we judge an actor (movement, project, person,
>>         ...) by their means or by their end? by the
>>         journey or by the destination? by the means
>>         (tools, words, ...) used or by the object aimed
>>         at, by the process or the product. The answer has
>>         to be *both* for the same kind of reason that we
>>         see activity always in terms *dual stimulation*,
>>         not just immediate and not just mediated, but both.
>>         Every *thing* is, of course, also a *process*, in
>>         that every thing is in movement and change. Every
>>         process is also a product.
>>         Andy
>>         ------------------------------------------------------------
>>         *Andy Blunden*
>>         Hegel for Social Movements
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!T4vkXB4gczFrrCtReqhNiHXdYrLreYwCliwQx8QgjlMKMq8cEf-1vEA3sh83JGDUwdyVCg$>
>>         Home Page
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>>         On 25/07/2020 6:50 pm, Andy Blunden wrote:
>>>         Oh, I see: "if you want to know the mind of a
>>>         cobbler, then study the boots he has made."
>>>         The focus on the object of activity to which
>>>         Collingwood directs our attention, should not, I
>>>         think, be seen as excluding understanding of the
>>>         activity. He is saying: don't look inside his
>>>         head, look at what he is /doing/, his
>>>         object-oriented activity. True, there are
>>>         different ways of making boots of the same
>>>         quality, and the concept is includes /how/ the
>>>         boot is produced as well as /what/ was produced,
>>>         Andy
>>>         ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         *Andy Blunden*
>>>         Hegel for Social Movements
>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!TfzgjLzqkc8JVlKmicTaLZMFJ8xx0betSNkstzweksdGg317CEc4oiSiGeNIzuH12f4l8Q$>
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>>>         On 25/07/2020 12:48 pm, mike cole wrote:
>>>>         Why restrict ourselves to observing the boot,
>>>>         Andy? Why not study the process of the boot's
>>>>         coming into being historically and in
>>>>         contemporary activities that bring boots
>>>>         into being? In psychology a focus on products
>>>>         not processes is a constant, justified
>>>>         complaint of critical scholars I have been reading.
>>>>         What am I missing?
>>>>         mike
>>>>         On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 2:05 AM Andy Blunden
>>>>         <andyb@marxists.org
>>>>         <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>> wrote:
>>>>             Collingwood is great. Hard to get hold of
>>>>             work I think.
>>>>             And yes, /Geist /is an activity. Many
>>>>             writers of our day agree with that.
>>>>             andy
>>>>             ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>             *Andy Blunden*
>>>>             Hegel for Social Movements
>>>>             <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!QF2Dcu6tNVtc6QgFIIOvgcPzUedUPmYqhk6DpQSkkz2IHkcFeGKyJETmpyCEKAFo2KY2Qg$>
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>>>>             On 24/07/2020 6:28 pm, WEBSTER, DAVID S. wrote:
>>>>>             Mind, Hegel and Collingwood
>>>>>             The mind seems to be not so much that
>>>>>             which thinks as the thinking itself; it is
>>>>>             not an active thing so much  as an
>>>>>             activity (Religion & Philosophy 1916
>>>>>             p.100) -  if you want to know the mind of
>>>>>             a cobbler, then study the boots he has made
>>>>>             ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>             *From:* xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>>>             <mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>
>>>>>             <xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>
>>>>>             <mailto:xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu>
>>>>>             on behalf of Andy Blunden
>>>>>             <andyb@marxists.org>
>>>>>             <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>
>>>>>             *Sent:* 24 July 2020 05:04
>>>>>             *To:* xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu
>>>>>             <mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>
>>>>>             <xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>
>>>>>             <mailto:xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu>
>>>>>             *Subject:* [Xmca-l] Re: Philosophie des
>>>>>             Geistes?
>>>>>             There is nothing "crude" about Hegel's
>>>>>             Philosophy of Spirit. It has almost
>>>>>             innumerable grades of mind between the
>>>>>             indeterminate "feeling" which might cause
>>>>>             a new-born to cry without any kind of
>>>>>             awareness, up to political action to
>>>>>             resolve the social problem at the root of
>>>>>             the "disturbance." All these are states of
>>>>>             a whole body and its relation to its
>>>>>             environment. Hegel does talk about
>>>>>             "expulsion" where are person takes action
>>>>>             - shouting, sobbing, .. - to relieve the
>>>>>             feeling, a process which can be more or
>>>>>             less rational. But he does not have a
>>>>>             mental state over there and a body over
>>>>>             there, or one expressing itself in the
>>>>>             other. Probably my analogy of hand-waving
>>>>>             was inappropriate. That's obviously not
>>>>>             the same as your hair standing on end when
>>>>>             you get a creepy feeling or the stomach
>>>>>             ache which tells you it's dinner time.
>>>>>             andy
>>>>>             ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>             *Andy Blunden*
>>>>>             Hegel for Social Movements
>>>>>             <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!SuCLv6fToTs8KM3N6g5Oqmfo51K9S2o9La2_xoAra5L1003TxFvIhV_9eW_a_u5bbHvFUA$>
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>>>>>             On 24/07/2020 7:01 am, David Kellogg wrote:
>>>>>>             Well, it's not me turning it around, of
>>>>>>             course. The James-Lange theory is what it
>>>>>>             is: you perceive something, your viscera
>>>>>>             or vasomotor muscles respond, and the
>>>>>>             emotion is the feeling of that happening
>>>>>>             to you. Lange, at any rate, seems to be
>>>>>>             thinking of the male sexual response.
>>>>>>             I think that's why Dewey says that
>>>>>>             Hegel's anticipation of the theory is
>>>>>>             crude. Vygotsky wouldn't (and doesn't)
>>>>>>             agree that an emotion is "expressed". An
>>>>>>             emotion is not a mental state
>>>>>>             of affairs expressed in physiological
>>>>>>             changes in the viscera/vasomotor muscles
>>>>>>             or contrariwise a change in the
>>>>>>             visceral/vascular state of
>>>>>>             affairs expressed in a mental one. (For
>>>>>>             that very reason, I think that Vygotsky
>>>>>>             wouldn't agree with Andy's waving
>>>>>>             analogy....)
>>>>>>             Spinoza uses the term "affect" or
>>>>>>             "affection" instead. It means more or
>>>>>>             less what it sounds like: the way in
>>>>>>             which a body is affected by the
>>>>>>             environment and vice versa. This can
>>>>>>             either increase or decrease the potential
>>>>>>             for a body for activity. The problem is
>>>>>>             that in order to make this a theory of
>>>>>>             specifically human emotions, this
>>>>>>             activity has to include the "activity" of
>>>>>>             making meanings, and Spinoza can't seem
>>>>>>             to address THAT issue without slipping
>>>>>>             into psycho-physical parallelism.
>>>>>>             (Halliday can, though....)
>>>>>>             :
>>>>>>             David Kellogg
>>>>>>             Sangmyung University
>>>>>>             New Article: Ruqaiya Hasan, in memoriam:
>>>>>>             A manual and a manifesto.
>>>>>>             Outlines, Spring 2020
>>>>>>             https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tidsskrift.dk/outlines/article/view/116238__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7_GHlfhKg$ 
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>>>>>>             New Translation with Nikolai Veresov:
>>>>>>             /L.S. Vygotsky's Pedological Works/
>>>>>>             /Volume One: Foundations of Pedology/"
>>>>>>             https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811505270__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7-526CKow$ 
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>>>>>>             On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 8:19 PM Andy
>>>>>>             Blunden <andyb@marxists.org
>>>>>>             <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>                 No, don't turn it around. The point
>>>>>>                 is that organs are subordinate parts
>>>>>>                 of the whole organism. The emotion
>>>>>>                 /is/ the state of a whole organism,
>>>>>>                 in particular, a mental state. Like a
>>>>>>                 hand expresses a feeling when we wave
>>>>>>                 to someone.
>>>>>>                 andy
>>>>>>                 ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>                 *Andy Blunden*
>>>>>>                 Hegel for Social Movements
>>>>>>                 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!W1x0zBm8fkXksY2M64OKgpNL_TPx1e8eTQyWJEtxUBueZNW1leqHSuR9yBEWIW_pdhtxwg$>
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>>>>>>                 On 23/07/2020 8:55 pm, David Kellogg
>>>>>>                 wrote:
>>>>>>>                 Thanks, Andy--this is it!
>>>>>>>                 "In physiology the viscera and the
>>>>>>>                 organs are treated merely as parts
>>>>>>>                 subservient to the animal organism;
>>>>>>>                 but they form at the same time a
>>>>>>>                 physical system for the expression
>>>>>>>                 of mental states, and in this way
>>>>>>>                 they get quite another interpretation."
>>>>>>>                 The only problem is the word
>>>>>>>                 "expression". In the James-Lange
>>>>>>>                 theory, the mental states are the
>>>>>>>                 expression of the viscera and the
>>>>>>>                 organs. But perhaps that's what
>>>>>>>                 Hegel really means here: the viscera
>>>>>>>                 and organs are a system that
>>>>>>>                 expresses a state which we interpret
>>>>>>>                 as an emotion.
>>>>>>>                 (I remember a dear friend of mine
>>>>>>>                 getting a messy divorce and
>>>>>>>                 remarking, when I worried that he
>>>>>>>                 was losing a lot of weight, that it
>>>>>>>                 wasn't his heart that was broken but
>>>>>>>                 his stomach....)
>>>>>>>                 David Kellogg
>>>>>>>                 Sangmyung University
>>>>>>>                 New Article: Ruqaiya Hasan, in
>>>>>>>                 memoriam: A manual and a manifesto.
>>>>>>>                 Outlines, Spring 2020
>>>>>>>                 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tidsskrift.dk/outlines/article/view/116238__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7_GHlfhKg$ 
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>>>>>>>                 New Translation with Nikolai
>>>>>>>                 Veresov: /L.S. Vygotsky's
>>>>>>>                 Pedological Works/ /Volume One:
>>>>>>>                 Foundations of Pedology/"
>>>>>>>                 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811505270__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7-526CKow$ 
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>>>>>>>                 On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 5:19 PM Andy
>>>>>>>                 Blunden <andyb@marxists.org
>>>>>>>                 <mailto:andyb@marxists.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>                     If you're interested in s. 401,
>>>>>>>                     then you'll probably be
>>>>>>>                     interested in 402 as well.
>>>>>>>                     One other possibility: The
>>>>>>>                     "official" way of citing Hegel
>>>>>>>                     nowadays is to cite the page no.
>>>>>>>                     in the authoritative version of
>>>>>>>                     /Hegel Werke/. The German word
>>>>>>>                     for "page" is /Seite/, so you
>>>>>>>                     would say "S. 401" of the /Enc/,
>>>>>>>                     This turns out also to be an
>>>>>>>                     interesting passage of the
>>>>>>>                     Subjective Spirit, on
>>>>>>>                     Self-consciousness, concerned
>>>>>>>                     with the infamous Master-Slave
>>>>>>>                     dialectic, though in a much
>>>>>>>                     reduced form, not like in the
>>>>>>>                     /Phenomenology of Spirit/.
>>>>>>>                     See p. 401 in the other
>>>>>>>                     attachment, ENZYKl3.PDF, in
>>>>>>>                     German. English translation is
>>>>>>>                     here:
>>>>>>>                     https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/suconsci.htm*SU428__;Iw!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ79I9FUElg$ 
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>>>>>>>                     Andy
>>>>>>>                     ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>                     *Andy Blunden*
>>>>>>>                     Hegel for Social Movements
>>>>>>>                     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!V5yS3WiqsE4SSOtcY1SJElXpnzzhFH035NnO1lZ49z3QJYH4kQO68Wccu2Y86C4MltIy3g$>
>>>>>>>                     Home Page
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>>>>>>>                     On 23/07/2020 5:47 pm, Andy
>>>>>>>                     Blunden wrote:
>>>>>>>>                     The Philosophy of Spirit is the
>>>>>>>>                     Third Part of the
>>>>>>>>                     Encyclopaedia, itself composed
>>>>>>>>                     of three parts:
>>>>>>>>                       * Subjective Spirit, which is
>>>>>>>>                         commonly taken as Psychology
>>>>>>>>                       * Objective Spirit, which is
>>>>>>>>                         commonly taken as Social
>>>>>>>>                         Theory, and
>>>>>>>>                       * Absolute Spirit, which
>>>>>>>>                         covers Art, religion,
>>>>>>>>                         Science and Philosophy.
>>>>>>>>                     The Encyclopaedia has numbered
>>>>>>>>                     paragraphs. These do vary
>>>>>>>>                     between 2 or  editions, but
>>>>>>>>                     these will be limited probably
>>>>>>>>                     by those translated into English,
>>>>>>>>                     I would start with the 1930
>>>>>>>>                     version"
>>>>>>>>                     https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/susoul.htm*SU401__;Iw!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7_IDVzvsg$ 
>>>>>>>>                     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/susoul.htm*SU401__;Iw!!Mih3wA!UcUFXSCRfRh-5aW0-7m25WJ_9mWTvjd1a6nOCEuF7RAbpt35sEPbx38XfvY3Rj0va8zujw$>
>>>>>>>>                     - a very early stage in the
>>>>>>>>                     development of mental life, or.
>>>>>>>>                     The 1817 version has
>>>>>>>>                     https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/sspirit.htm*SS399__;Iw!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7_wKWQVDA$ 
>>>>>>>>                     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/sspirit.htm*SS399__;Iw!!Mih3wA!UcUFXSCRfRh-5aW0-7m25WJ_9mWTvjd1a6nOCEuF7RAbpt35sEPbx38XfvY3Rj24gIDBAA$>
>>>>>>>>                     - this version puts s. 401 at
>>>>>>>>                     the beginning of a version of
>>>>>>>>                     Objective Spirit.
>>>>>>>>                     The 1830 one, above, has a long
>>>>>>>>                     Note to it written by his
>>>>>>>>                     students on the basis of
>>>>>>>>                     Hegel's lectures which is a
>>>>>>>>                     long discourse on the
>>>>>>>>                     development of thinking from
>>>>>>>>                     sensation. I am thinking this
>>>>>>>>                     is what you mean. I will
>>>>>>>>                     photocopy it and send it on.
>>>>>>>>                     Andy
>>>>>>>>                     ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>                     *Andy Blunden*
>>>>>>>>                     Hegel for Social Movements
>>>>>>>>                     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brill.com/view/title/54574__;!!Mih3wA!UcUFXSCRfRh-5aW0-7m25WJ_9mWTvjd1a6nOCEuF7RAbpt35sEPbx38XfvY3Rj2Rs_DLCQ$>
>>>>>>>>                     Home Page
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>>>>>>>>                     On 23/07/2020 5:09 pm, David
>>>>>>>>                     Kellogg wrote:
>>>>>>>>>                     We are trying to turn
>>>>>>>>>                     Vygotsky's "Teaching on
>>>>>>>>>                     Emotion" into one of those
>>>>>>>>>                     cartoon books that are so
>>>>>>>>>                     popular here in Korea (e.g.
>>>>>>>>>                     the "Why?" series). It's not
>>>>>>>>>                     Vygotsky for dummies, but it
>>>>>>>>>                     will have a lot of pictures
>>>>>>>>>                     with questions and answers
>>>>>>>>>                     alongside Vygotsky's rather
>>>>>>>>>                     difficult text.
>>>>>>>>>                     We've got to figure out the
>>>>>>>>>                     text first. For example, what
>>>>>>>>>                     does John Dewey mean when he says:
>>>>>>>>>                     "On the historical side, it
>>>>>>>>>                     may be worth noting that a
>>>>>>>>>                     crude anticipation of James'
>>>>>>>>>                     theory is found in Hegel's
>>>>>>>>>                     Philosophie des Geistes, 401."?
>>>>>>>>>                     Did Hegel ever write a
>>>>>>>>>                     Philosophie des Geistes? If
>>>>>>>>>                     so, does the number refer to a
>>>>>>>>>                     page number or a section or what?
>>>>>>>>>                     https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brocku.ca/MeadProject/Dewey/Dewey_1895.html__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ79nCESAiw$ 
>>>>>>>>>                     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brocku.ca/MeadProject/Dewey/Dewey_1895.html__;!!Mih3wA!RLGVUv48gomTR2KJ99jcR-ruYcur4TKLR3u-7WeR_HhShIfYJpHP0U7EwICkluTj4uvZOA$>
>>>>>>>>>                     David Kellogg
>>>>>>>>>                     Sangmyung University
>>>>>>>>>                     New Article: Ruqaiya Hasan, in
>>>>>>>>>                     memoriam: A manual and a
>>>>>>>>>                     manifesto.
>>>>>>>>>                     Outlines, Spring 2020
>>>>>>>>>                     https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tidsskrift.dk/outlines/article/view/116238__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7_GHlfhKg$ 
>>>>>>>>>                     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tidsskrift.dk/outlines/article/view/116238__;!!Mih3wA!RLGVUv48gomTR2KJ99jcR-ruYcur4TKLR3u-7WeR_HhShIfYJpHP0U7EwICkluSzhBnr9w$>
>>>>>>>>>                     New Translation with Nikolai
>>>>>>>>>                     Veresov: /L.S. Vygotsky's
>>>>>>>>>                     Pedological Works/ /Volume
>>>>>>>>>                     One: Foundations of Pedology/"
>>>>>>>>>                     https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811505270__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7-526CKow$ 
>>>>>>>>>                     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811505270__;!!Mih3wA!RLGVUv48gomTR2KJ99jcR-ruYcur4TKLR3u-7WeR_HhShIfYJpHP0U7EwICkluRBlvE9VA$>
>>>>         -- 
>>>>           IAngelus Novus
>>>>           <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelus_Novus__;!!Mih3wA!TdBQQPR-bTnIx9Yw4iUDrSZjBM8SLdsDSSgJWTB1zVuHNiaB834h-O5LHdkFFcAZeBSdQQ$>
>>>>           The Angel's View of History is looking as
>>>>           plausible in 2020 as it did to Walter
>>>>           Benjamin & Klee in 1940
>>>>           ---------------------------------------------
>>>>         Cultural Praxis Website:
>>>>         https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7_GqAZTLA$ 
>>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!TdBQQPR-bTnIx9Yw4iUDrSZjBM8SLdsDSSgJWTB1zVuHNiaB834h-O5LHdkFFcB7eRB5Zw$>
>>>>         Re-generating CHAT Website:
>>>>         re-generatingchat.com
>>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://re-generatingchat.com__;!!Mih3wA!TdBQQPR-bTnIx9Yw4iUDrSZjBM8SLdsDSSgJWTB1zVuHNiaB834h-O5LHdkFFcDhjnRRpA$>
>>>>         Archival resources website: lchc.ucsd.edu
>>>>         <http://lchc.ucsd.edu>.
>>>>         Narrative history of LCHC: lchcautobio.ucsd.edu
>>>>         <http://lchcautobio.ucsd.edu>.
>>     -- 
>>       IAngelus Novus
>>       <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelus_Novus__;!!Mih3wA!Xf5dq-zyRXAVtrDY3G4uI0uXpUIg3aHwWiGAOzanHBOszr37Xyia_Ln-k9JHsj-T6_YZNA$>
>>       The Angel's View of History is looking as plausible
>>       in 2020 as it did to Walter Benjamin & Klee in 1940
>>       ---------------------------------------------
>>     Cultural Praxis Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7_GqAZTLA$ 
>>     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!Xf5dq-zyRXAVtrDY3G4uI0uXpUIg3aHwWiGAOzanHBOszr37Xyia_Ln-k9JHsj_LG7Sn2A$>
>>     Re-generating CHAT Website: re-generatingchat.com
>>     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://re-generatingchat.com__;!!Mih3wA!Xf5dq-zyRXAVtrDY3G4uI0uXpUIg3aHwWiGAOzanHBOszr37Xyia_Ln-k9JHsj9DyoxZrA$>
>>     Archival resources website: lchc.ucsd.edu
>>     <http://lchc.ucsd.edu>.
>>     Narrative history of LCHC: lchcautobio.ucsd.edu
>>     <http://lchcautobio.ucsd.edu>.
> -- 
>   IAngelus Novus
>   <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelus_Novus__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7--iew4HQ$ >The Angel's
>   View of History
>   It is only in a social context that subjectivism and
>   objectivism, spiritualism and materialism, activity and
>   passivity cease to be antinonmes, and thus cease to
>   exist as such antinomies. The resolution of the
>   theoreticalcontradictions is possible only through
>   practical means, only through the practicalenergy of
>   humans. (Marx, 1844).
>   ---------------------------------------------
> Cultural Praxis Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://culturalpraxis.net__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7_GqAZTLA$ 
> Re-generating CHAT Website: re-generatingchat.com 
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://re-generatingchat.com__;!!Mih3wA!VKlkgxKAcjDhcgO3KJLyVT62zGt13Ta3x1Jaqf42Xgc-y20I1K20c4D61nsjQ7-5_q9f1w$ >
> Archival resources website: lchc.ucsd.edu 
> <http://lchc.ucsd.edu>.
> Narrative history of LCHC: lchcautobio.ucsd.edu 
> <http://lchcautobio.ucsd.edu>.
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