[Xmca-l] Anniversary for Sarkharov's essay

Annalisa Aguilar annalisa@unm.edu
Fri Jul 20 21:16:20 PDT 2018

Hello Xmcars and venerable others,

I saw this in the NYT, thought it would be the stuff of good discussion in the hear and know:


Additionally, here is the PDF of the original essay, "Thoughts on Progress, Peaceful Co-existence and Intellectual Freedom"  appearing in the NYT on July 22, 1968. You will have to enlarge it to about 250% to be able to read it.

By chance, who here on the list remembers the splash this essay made? Anyone?

I especially enjoy this sentence: "Freedom of thought is the only guarantee of the feasibility of a scientific democratic approach to politics, economy, and culture."

Kind regards, as always,

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