[Xmca-l] Re: If economics is immune from ethics, why should exploitation be a topic of discussion in economics?

Ulvi İçil ulvi.icil@gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 07:56:44 PDT 2018

Andy, what about Lenin in this issue?


18 Tem 2018 Çar 08:19 tarihinde Andy Blunden <andyb@marxists.org> şunu

> Harshad,
> According to Marx, "exploitation," as he uses the concept in *Capital*,
> is not an ethical concept at all; it simply means making a gain by
> utilising an affordance, as in "exploiting natural resources." Many
> "Marxist economists" today adhere to this view. However, I am one of those
> that hold a different view. And the legacy of Stalinism is evidence of some
> deficit in the legacy of Marx's writing - it was so easy for Stalin to
> dismiss ethics as just so much nonsense and claim the mantel of Marxism!
> Much as I admire Marx, he was wrong on Ethics. He was a creature of his
> times in this respect, or rather in endeavouring to *not* be a creature
> of his times, he made an opposite error. He held all ethics in contempt as
> if religion had a monopoly on this topic, and it were nothing more than
> some kind of confidence trick to fool the masses. (Many today share this
> view.) In fact, contrary to his own self-consciousness, *Capital* is a
> seminal work of ethics.
> The problem stems from Hegel and from Marx's efforts to make a positive
> critique of Hegel. As fine a work of Ethics as Hegel's *Philosophy of
> Right* is, it had certain problems which Marx had to overcome. These
> included Hegel's insistence that the state alone could determine right and
> wrong (the state could of course make errors, but in the long run there is
> no extramundane source of Right beyond the state). This was something
> impossible for Marx to accept. And yet Hegel's idea of Ethics as something
> objective, contained in the evolving forms of life (rather than Pure Reason
> inherent in every individual as Kant held, or from God via His agents on
> Earth, the priesthood), Marx wished to embrace and continue.
> So the situation is very complex. The foremost work on Ethics was authored
> by a person who did not believe they wrote about Ethics at all.
> Here is a page with lots of resources on this question:
> https://www.marxists.org/subject/ethics/index.htm
> Andy
> ------------------------------
> Andy Blunden
> http://www.ethicalpolitics.org/ablunden/index.htm
> On 18/07/2018 2:54 PM, Harshad Dave wrote:
> Why do we discuss on exploitation?
> As per Marx's views, ethics has no influence on economic processes. Does
> exploitation have no link with ethical feelings? The sense of exploitation
> is absolutely linked with our ethical feelings. If economics is immune from
> influence of ethics and sense of *exploitation* is founded on our ethical
> evaluation, then discussion on *exploitation* should not find place in
> the topics of economics/political economics.
> Harshad Dave
> hhdave15@gmail.com
> <https://www.researchgate.net/deref/mailto%3Ahhdave15%40gmail.com>
> Harshad Dave
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