[Xmca-l] Re: CHAT and Critical Thinking -request for suggestions

David Kellogg dkellogg60@gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 14:00:22 PST 2018

I guess if I were invited to give a talk like this (heaven forfend!) I
would talk about two completely different things.

a) Critical thinking as critical (crisis-laden) abstraction (thinking).
It's what puts the "pere" into our "perezhivanie"--it's the thinking about
feeling that mediates an experience into a meaning (and this is probably
related, at least in my miserable mind) to the way in which our experience
can confront us as something alien, our interpersonal meanings become
"societal" ones). David Butt, my supervisor, wrote a really good but almost
unreadable paper about this; I tried to make his ideas a little more
readable in my own paper "Thinking of feeling".

b) Critical thinking about the CHAT tradition itself. We're actually not
very good at this, I think; I myself am still in the "Gee whiz!" phase of
my reading of Vygotsky, and I need people like Ruqaiya Hasan to remind me
that cultural historical psychology was hardly even a prologomena or
outline sketch when LSV died. Now that Vygotsky's personality is gone, we
are left with his world view, and that is necessarily incomplete.

David Kellogg

Recent Article in *Mind, Culture, and Activity* 24 (4) 'Metaphoric,
Metonymic, Eclectic, or Dialectic? A Commentary on “Neoformation: A
Dialectical Approach to Developmental Change”'

Free e-print available (for a short time only) at


On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Natalia Gajdamaschko <nataliag@sfu.ca>

> Hi Dear All!
> I am in the middle of preparing an invited talk on critical thinking, and
> I need your's, Dear ALL!, help.
> Could you, please, let me know if there is a publication you know and like
> re: "Critical Thinking" within CHAT tradition.
> You can reply to this message or send me an email to nataliag@sfu.ca
> I really appreciate all your help.
> Thank you,
> Natalia.

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