[Xmca-l] Fwd: [COGDEVSOC] Early Childhood Post Doctoral Research Associate Position at Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

mike cole mcole@ucsd.edu
Thu Aug 23 20:26:43 PDT 2018

A job for those with a high EQ

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Christina Cipriano <christina.cipriano@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 7:29 PM
Subject: [COGDEVSOC] Early Childhood Post Doctoral Research Associate
Position at Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
To: <cogdevsoc@lists.cogdevsoc.org>

We are hiring for a Post Doctoral Research Associate Position in Early
Childhood at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. I have included
the position as an attachment as well as in the body of this email.

Thank you!


The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence <http://ei.yale.edu/>—a division
of the Yale Child Study Center <http://childstudycenter.yale.edu/> in the
Yale University School of Medicine—seeks a full-time postdoctoral research
associate to join the early childhood research team on an IES Goal 3 *Promoting
School Readiness through Emotional Intelligence:* *An Efficacy Trial of
Preschool RULER*. Preschool RULER is a whole-school approach to promoting
emotional intelligence for preschool-aged children (ages 3–5) and the
adults in their lives (e.g., early childhood educators). Emotional
intelligence is targeted by focusing on five social-emotional (SE) skills
remembered using the acronym: RULER (recognizing, understanding, labeling,
expressing, and regulating emotions). Preschool RULER provides concrete
tools and strategies that support educators in teaching, modeling, and
these skills into every aspect of the school day contributing to increased
social and behavioral competencies and school readiness.

The Postdoctoral Research Associate will have experience in early childhood
data collection and assessment as well as management of research projects
and will hold a doctorate. The Postdoctoral Research Associate will be
responsible for training, managing, and supervising the data collection
team of research assistants. In addition, the Postdoctoral Research
Associate will develop data collection protocols, create data files and
codebooks, code data, run basic summary statistics, check data
for irregularities, and provide Dr. Bailey with regular progress reports.

The Postdoctoral Research Associate will work closely with Dr. Mashburn and
will be supervised by PI Dr. Bailey, Director of Early Childhood and
Co-PI Dr. Brackett, Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence.
The Postdoctoral Research Associate will be mentored by Dr. Christina
Cipriano, Director of Research at the Yale Center for Emotional


·       Managing large-scale data collection with early childhood educators
and young children and their families

·       Managing trainings, data sets, running analyses, and reporting

·       Contributing to IRB applications and amendments, and future grant

·       Using advanced statistical techniques and multilevel and structural
equation modeling

·       Supervising research assistants and research interns

·       Preparing research papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals


Competence in (1) early childhood and social and emotional development, (2)
managing and analyzing data, and (3) communicating, reporting and
disseminating through writing and presenting is expected.  Preference will
be for candidates with experience: conducting research in schools and/or
with young children, including experimental or quasi-experimental designs,
proficiency using Mplus/R/Stata, background in psychometrics, and a history
of scholarly publications.  Qualified candidates will have recently
completed a PhD in psychology, education, or a related field.  Specialization
or demonstrated interest in the study of early childhood SEL is necessary.


*Applications will be reviewed immediately until the position is filled.*  To
apply, send your CV, an example of scholarly work, and a one-page cover
letter to Dr. Bailey at craig.bailey@yale.edu. Please submit your materials
as PDF files and name them *LastName.CV.pdf, LastName.coverletter.pdf*, etc
*.* Qualified applicants may be contacted to schedule an interview and
asked to submit two letters of recommendation.


Emotions drive learning, decision making, creativity, relationships, and
health.  The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence uses the power of
emotions to create a healthier, and more innovative, productive, and
compassionate society.  We conduct research and design educational
approaches that support people of all ages in developing emotional
intelligence and the skills to thrive and contribute to society.  RULER,
the Center’s signature program, draws on leading pedagogical practices as
well as advances in psychology and neuroscience, and it has been honed
through years of collaboration, classroom observation, interviews, and the
most demanding evaluations.  Creating awareness—both of self and
others—about emotions and developing the skills of emotional intelligence
can improve children’s prospects in life and contribute, in turn, to
healthier, more compassionate families, workplaces, and communities.  RULER
does this by teaching adults and children the skills of emotional
intelligence.  Since 2005, more than 600 schools have implemented RULER,
affecting the lives of over 500,000 students.  Accordingly, we integrate
emotional intelligence skill building, the basis of RULER, into their
everyday practices and into classroom curricula across grade levels.

Yale University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women,
members of minority groups, persons with disabilities, and protected
veterans are encouraged to apply.

Christina Cipriano, Ph.D.
Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology

Direct: 617.959.1960

*lets take the moon and make it shine for everyone*

*www.drchriscip.com <http://www.drchriscip.com/>*
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