[Xmca-l] Fwd: faculty searches at UC San Diego with the Design Lab and the Department of Education Studies

mike cole mcole@ucsd.edu
Wed Oct 11 19:40:57 PDT 2017

Great job for the right person.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jalevin@ucsd.edu <jalevin@ucsd.edu>
Date: Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 5:56 PM
Subject: faculty searches at UC San Diego with the Design Lab and the
Department of Education Studies
To: Dedre Gentner <gentner@northwestern.edu>, Marc Eisenstadt <
marc.eisenstadt@gmail.com>, Steve Palmer <sepalmer@gmail.com>, Jonathan
Grudin <jgrudin@microsoft.com>, Geoff Hinton <geoffrey.hinton@gmail.com>,
Will Griscom <will.griscom@gmail.com>, Chris Dede <Chris_Dede@harvard.edu>,
Michael Jacobson <michael.jacobson@sydney.edu.au>, Uri Wilensky <
uri@northwestern.edu>, Roy Pea <roypea@stanford.edu>, Louis Gomez <
lmgomez@ucla.edu>, Chip Bruce <chipbruce@me.com>, John Seely Brown <
jsb@johnseelybrown.com>, Allan Collins <a-collins@northwestern.edu>, Andy
diSessa <adisessa@soe.berkeley.edu>, Ken Forbus <forbus@northwestern.edu>,
Barry Fishman <fishman@umich.edu>, Barbara Means <barbara.means@sri.com>,
Shelley Goldman <sgoldman@stanford.edu>, Ricki Goldman <ricki@nyu.edu>,
Yong Zhao <yongzhao@uoregon.edu>, Jim Greeno <jimgrno@pitt.edu>, Chuck
Goodwin <cgoodwin@humnet.ucla.edu>, Spiro Maroulis <Spiro.Maroulis@asu.edu>,
Dor Abrahamson <dor@berkeley.edu>, Mike Cole <lchcmike@gmail.com>, Denis
Newman <dn@empiricaleducation.com>, Jason Ravitz <jason@bie.org>, Mark
Schlager <mark.schlager@gmail.com>, Jeremy Roschelle <
Jeremy.Roschelle@sri.com>, Miriam Sherin <msherin@northwestern.edu>, Elliot
Soloway <soloway@umich.edu>, Al Stevens <al@alstevens.org>
Cc: Christoforos Mamas <cmamas@ucsd.edu>, Carolyn Hofstetter <
chofstetter@ucsd.edu>, Cathleen Schangali <cschangali@ucsd.edu>

Dear friends,

Don Norman has returned to UCSD to direct the Design Lab here, and that Lab
has been given three tenure track faculty position to search for this year,
two at the Assistant Professor level and one at an Associate/Full Professor
level.  Each person hired needs to be located in an academic Department,
and my Department of Education Studies is working with the Design Lab
(along with other Departments) on two of the searches (the senior search
and one of the two junior searches).

Please pass along this information to anyone that you think would be
interested in and appropriate for either of these searches:

*Associate or Full Professor in Design/Jacobs School of Engineering/Social
Sciences/Health Sciences:* https://apol-recruit.ucsd.edu/apply/JPF01570

*Assistant Professor in Design/Division of Social Sciences or School of
Medicine:* https://apol-recruit.ucsd.edu/apply/JPF01567

All three searches are described at:
<http://designlab.ucsd.edu/join-us/faculty/> *

Jim Levin
Professor Emeritus
Department of Education Studies

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