[Xmca-l] FW: mom

Peter Smagorinsky smago@uga.edu
Tue Jun 20 03:35:02 PDT 2017

Gotta brag about my mom?..she?s among the women-in-science now being recognized retroactively for their contributions to various fields. I never got the STEM gene, and my parents? involvement in the hard sciences probably makes me different from a lot of my social science colleagues. Interesting note: one of my meteorology colleagues at Georgia says that ?hard sciences? are increasingly social sciences because of the impact of people on nature. Maybe we?re onto something. [The] piece is up on Smithsonian.com (your mom is mentioned about six paragraphs in: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/meet-computer-scientist-you-should-thank-your-phone-weather-app-180963716/ > ).

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