[Xmca-l] Re: From newyorker.com: He’s Back

Andy Blunden ablunden@mira.net
Fri Oct 7 22:33:24 PDT 2016

A good read Larry, mostly good on Marx, but I don't accept 
his theory of "history of accident" - Lenin, for example, 
was not the only Marxist in Russia, and an interest in Marx 
recovered after the fall of the soviet union by clearing 
away the legacy of official Marxism - and he skims over 
Piketty's total failure to understand Marx - Piketty can 
simply use data to make the points Marx made with philosophy 
150 years before these things came to pass, so Piketty 
doesn't need to understand Marx: he just has to know how to 
use a slide rule. Some of the ideas ascribed to Marx are not 
correct, but who cares, it's still a good read and worth 
thinking about.

I liked his book on the American Pragmatists, too.


Andy Blunden

On 8/10/2016 1:31 PM, lpscholar2@gmail.com wrote:
> This is an article by Louis Menard that is a fascinating read.
> I hope the link comes through
> He’s Back
> http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/10/karl-marx-yesterday-and-today
> Sent from my Windows 10 phone

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