[Xmca-l] Re: Article for Discussion

lpscholar2@gmail.com lpscholar2@gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 07:13:04 PDT 2016

I paused at the introduction or the opening onto what is referred to as a scene (unfolding).
A question posed: HOW a collaborative team is learning to be creative.

The next sentence introduced the WHO.
The answer includes six professionals (all medical professionals) – a psychiatry researcher, two physiotherapy students, a physician-researcher, and a biopharmacologist.

WHAT is their intent? To construct (design) a representation OF an idea. To do this is to create a prototype.

The 2nd paragraph further elaborates and focuses this scene on prototyping and the author/narrator turns our attention to proto typing as the unit of analysis used FOR coming to understand the way the six medical professionals engage in learning to be creative. 
The prototype IS simultaneously (in time and space) expressing multiple values.
1) The prototype is GIVEN
2) The prototype is SOCIALLY constructed
3) The prototype is CONTESTED
4) The prototype is EMERGENT

The focus of the article on this unit of analysis helps the six medical professionals *to determine* the WHAT is required in the way of concrete features that must go into this unit of analysis.

Prototyping is a verb form which provides *insight* into how people think both:
1) With cultural artifacts and
2) About cultural artifacts

Prototyping helps focus attention on learning as developing *skills* that can be applied within nonconventional (non normative?) scenarios using this unit of analysis to proceed.

In this activity of learning these skills entails two different intersecting LEVELS of cognitive activity:
1) Learning the skills involved in prototyping
2) Learning HOW to learn about a subject (a subject matter that matters).
The reason or purpose of this type of learning is in order to  radically ALTER perceptions'. In this case perceptions within a particular field – the medical field (to which the 6 medical professionals belong).

Prototyping is a form of choreo/graphic performance that opens onto two intersecting themes.  It focus our attention on both:

1) WHAT the team members are doing
2) Different futures become imaginable.

This prototyping choreography of this scene puts on display HOW emergent tools being developed come to be loaded with *previous patterns of reasoning*.

I paused and slowed down my reading of the first two paragraphs of the introduction (the opening onto this scene) and decided to reflect back the particular way I paused to become carried into the world of prototyping in order to gain access into the article

Sent from my Windows 10 phone

From: David Kellogg

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