[Xmca-l] Erich Fromm’s Revolutionary Hope | Reclaiming the Sane Society | Review by Kieran Durkin -

lpscholar2@gmail.com lpscholar2@gmail.com
Sun May 22 10:47:03 PDT 2016

Erich Fromm’s Revolutionary Hope | Reclaiming the Sane Society | Review by Kieran Durkin - 

Henry, yes I believe the Trump phenomenon is based on deep cynicism. I have been reflecting on the notion of *exemplary* lives that are models of hope for others. 
Here is two book reviews by Kieran Durkin. I am now reading his book on Fromm and Radical Humanism.  Thinking of how Froom led a life of commitment to reawaken a sense of *radical humanism*.
These two book reviews give a sense of Kieran’s engagement with Fromm and how he navigated through the 20th century. 
Not sure how others will respond to the notion of messianic prophetic humainism but it indicates the deep tap roots of a theme that can travel from theistic, to nontheistic secular terms but remain within the same *spirit* of a shared mutual value. 
Fromm travelled through Judaic humanistic theism towards radical humanism but carried the *spirit* of the earlier themes into his radical humanistic commitments to create what I will call the *new commons*.  His life was given over to responding to the type of cynicism that Trump expresses.

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