[Xmca-l] Re: Habits (Greek: ethos)

Lplarry lpscholar2@gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 07:17:26 PDT 2016

Hi Annalisa,
Shotter has been engaged and yes his project is a source for many.
I notice that I easily downloaded the second article posted, but the first article did not load.
I opened the second article through Acrobat Reader but the first article would not load to even ask for which download format (acrobat or edge) I prefer. 
Also, I had the same problem with the Chandler article. Could you please repost the Chandler article that Francoise sent earlier. I want to read with Terence article ( who I mistakenly referred to as Paul).
I will post the Kockleman paper.

Sent from my Windows 10 phone

From: Annalisa Aguilar

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