[Xmca-l] Re: Habits (Greek: ethos)

Greg Thompson greg.a.thompson@gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 22:06:23 PDT 2016

Did I send the link to this book by Lambek already?


Here is a little bit from the blurb for the book:
"Building from ethnographic accounts there, they synthesize Aristotelian
notions of practical judgment and virtuous action with Wittgensteinian
notions of the ordinariness of ethical life and the importance of language,
everyday speech, and ritual in order to understand how ethics are lived.
They illustrate the multiple ways in which ethics informs personhood,
character, and practice; explore the centrality of judgment, action, and
irony to ethical life; and consider the relation of virtue to value. The
result is a fully fleshed-out picture of ethics as a deeply rooted aspect
of the human experience. "
Anyway, it is another take on the ordinariness and everydayness of
ethics-as-practiced/embodied/lived rather than it as some set of ideals or

I think that is an interesting approach to take.

But I still haven't heard much about CHAT perspectives to ethics. Are there
none? And if Lambek is generally correct in his argument about the
pervasiveness of ethics, is this a problem that needs to be addressed by
CHAT? Or are there ways in which it can be subsumed by concept's such as
Andy's "project" (which also happens to be his (ethical) project!)!


On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 9:47 AM, Lplarry <lpscholar2@gmail.com> wrote:

> There are concurrent conversations ongoing on the topics of semiosis
> (Peirce) and virtues (Aristotle).
> Paul Kockleman has written an article juxtaposing Aristotle, Marx,
> Heiddeger, and Peirce and their 4 distinct theories of (things).
> If interested I can post to this site
> Kockleman believes Aristotle’s term (cause) that has been paired with its
> compliment (effect) should probably be better expressed in terms of
> (sources) and (destinations) as well as (paths).
> Thereby we will in our questioning avoid any mechanistic assumptions.
> I will add the term (ways) in order to acknowledge the wisdom of Confucius
> and the Dao. This adding way to compliment path is a way to express
> gratitude (in the way of virtue) to other wisdom traditions and remind
> myself of James Ma’s (path) through Confucius.
> Jame’s opening remark in his  paper on Confucius as axiomatic resonated as
> his path and destination.
> So ..
> Sources/destinations
> Paths/ways
> Returning to Paul Kockleman and moving through and within Paul Kockleman’s
> exploration  of *value* in Aristotle and Marx and Heiddeger and Peirce.
> My way of  expressing gratitude for this forum where it is possible for
> locating sources as  dialogical forms of becoming other through identity
> (and identity through other).
> This includes  Paul Turner’s extension of decentering to include
> *recentering* as a process of figurative symbolism that compliments
> operational decentered thinking that is always in relation with operational
> thinking.
> There seems to be a common source within these threads,  with multiple
> paths but the destination may be a Copernican type shift in our (ways) of
> understanding and interpreting human nature as expressing *value*
> Sent from my Windows 10 phone
> From: Lplarry

Gregory A. Thompson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
880 Spencer W. Kimball Tower
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

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