[Xmca-l] Re: Conductivism
Andy Blunden
Mon Aug 8 17:54:17 PDT 2016
Here is what Andrew said when I asked him about Butterflies:
Dear Andy,
Yes, Lois Holzman is sort of right. Around 25 or so years
ago the world was rather different from today and the BBC
was easily persuaded to invest the small fortune that it
took to make a number of documentary films around the theme
of the transformability of human psychic development. Not
only did I spark these off but served as 'technical advisor'
to all of them and was quite closely involved in their
making. The BBC distributed information to viewers who wrote
in after seeing the programmes, and even published a small
book. It was all great fun and for while I risked a little
optimism, but the world changed... They were quite good
films in their way. Not at a technical level, if by that one
means in terms of how well they portrayed the
psycho-educational principles and the philosophies that each
concerned, but as propaganda that move people who knew. The
director and writer had their own ideas of what could make
powerful television and parts of all these films are
technically weak at what I regarded as their central themes.
What did I know, though? I was just pleased to let Ann Paul
the producer/director and Michael Dean the writer have their
head. One of the films enjoyed some critical acclaim and
even for a time affected social policy at the national level
(not The Butterflies of Zagorsk). Many professionals in the
relevant sectors hated them. That was all fun too. The
Butterflies of Zagorsk was a hour long, and perhaps it might
have been better at more tightly edited at fifty minutes. At
the superficial level it portrayed the work of the Deaf-Bind
Children's Home at Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad). that was the
concrete heritage of Sololyanskii and Meshcheriyakov, and of
course Il'enkov, represented in still living pedagogy and
upbringing. More deeply it tried to convey the
social-cultural/historical understanding of L. S.
Vygotskii's social-cultural/historical understanding and
what this implies. So, Lois Holzman rather overstated my
role in all this. I did not make them and had no formal
ownership. Ownership was with the BBC and the BBC is
notoriously jealous of its intellectual property – hence
their later absence from YouTube. One could for a while buy
tapes of these films above board (at a fiendish cost) but
following major reorganisation at the BBC, including closure
of its Documentaries Department, this facility disappeared.
A few years ago I wrote to ask about the present situation
but could find no one at the BBC who knew even how to find
out about this, and by then I knew nobody higher up who
could lean on the organisation! As an an immediate response
to your question about availability' of The Butterflies of
Zagorsk I can give only the same answer that I have had to
give so many times over the years. Unless you come across a
copy of a pirated example somewhere, you may search in vain.
I do not have one myself (the early nineties were tumultuous
times for me), nor do I think that Ann Paul (long now
retired) has either. I am in Germany for a few days at the
moment but when I get back I shall follow one lead that
occurs to me. Nil desperandum, but don't hold your breath!
Of course, if your Portuguese is up to it, in the meantime
you can watch this film on YouTube, under the title of As
borboletas de Zagorsk.:
suspect that this is a pirated version of a 'official'
version sold abroad by the BBC, probably for broadcast in
Brazil. It sold the film to other foreign broadcasting
companies too, so a thorough search might find other
leads.The Portuguese one references above is a terrible
print, and of course probably loses something in translation
of what the original actually said. Look up the Portuguese
title on Google, though, and you will see that even so the
film is still powerful enough to attract attention. Best
answer that I can offer in my present situation, Andrew.
Andy Blunden http://home.mira.net/~andy
On 5/08/2016 11:27 AM, Lois Holzman wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> I know of it through Andrew Sutton andrew@conductive-education.org.uk
> http://e-conduction.org/ceinformation/category/andrew-sutton/ <http://e-conduction.org/ceinformation/category/andrew-sutton/>
> http://www.blurb.com/b/1736366-internationalising-conductive-education <http://www.blurb.com/b/1736366-internationalising-conductive-education>
> /http://www.specialworld.net/2016/04/05/conductive-education-the-unfinished-story/ <http://www.specialworld.net/2016/04/05/conductive-education-the-unfinished-story/>—read this one for the latest
> http://www.conductive-world.info <http://www.conductive-world.info/>—Andrew's site
> I met Andrew a long time ago because as the person who made the documentary Butterflies of Zagorsk (mentioned on XMCA a bunch of times) and learned of his work with conductive education from him.
> I hope this is helpful.
> Lois
> Lois Holzman
> Director, East Side Institute for Group & Short Term Psychotherapy
> 119 West 23 St, suite 902
> New York, NY 10011
> Chair, Global Outreach, All Stars Project, UX
> Tel. +1.212.941.8906 x324
> Fax +1.718.797.3966
> lholzman@eastsideinstitute.org
> Social Media
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> Blogs
> Psychology Today <http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/conceptual-revolution>| Psychology of Becoming <http://loisholzman.org/> | Mad in America <http://www.madinamerica.com/author/lois/>
> Websites
> Lois Holzman <http://loisholzman.org/> | East Side Institute <http://eastsideinstitute.org/> | Performing the World <http://www.performingtheworld.org/>
> All Stars Project <http://allstars.org/>
>> On Aug 4, 2016, at 9:14 PM, Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net> wrote:
>> Does anyone know anything about "conductivism"?
>> I understand it is a school of educational psychology which is used in the education of severely disabled children, it came out of Hungary and they have an interest in Vygotsky. And I think the name is an allusion to the "conductor" of an orchestra.
>> Andy
>> --
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> Andy Blunden
>> http://home.mira.net/~andy
>> http://www.brill.com/products/book/origins-collective-decision-making
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