[Xmca-l] Russian-English Translation needed

mike cole mcole@ucsd.edu
Thu Oct 9 13:42:47 PDT 2014

The Journal of Russian and East European Psychology is in need of a couple
of translators. Russian--> English. They pay 10 cents a word. The articles
are mostly of at least some interest to xmca participants.  Interest
parties should contact irina burns at M.E. Sharpe as soon as possible,.
Her email is iburns@mesharpe.com.

I hope some one(s) can take on the task so that translations can catch up
with ready material.


PS-- Suggestions for materials to translate always welcome. Just contact
Pentti Hakkarainen who is cc'ed on this note

It is the dilemma of psychology to deal with a natural science with an
object that creates history. Ernst Boesch.

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