[Xmca-l] Re: Time, Imagination, Metaphor

larry smolucha lsmolucha@hotmail.com
Sat Dec 20 03:08:54 PST 2014

Message from Francine:

Metaphysics is an old term for philosophy. Metaphysics includes the study of ontology,
cosmology and epistemology.  Our discussions have been epistemological, specifically
how  different cultures understand time and space. We have not gotten into an
ontological discussion (yet) about the 'real' nature of time and space.

Some people use the term metaphysics to refer to a type of spiritual metaphysics.
The practice of mind over matter. In my previous post, I used the examples of walking into
a wall or in front of a car, in denial of their existence. The probabilities are not in your
favor. But I did run out in front of a speeding car once, to snatch up my toddler, and
'miraculously' the driver was able to stop and did not hit me (as I held my son in my arms
protecting his head expecting we would be thrown to the ground). Similarly, in 
Dancing with Wolves, when Kevin Costner rides back and forth past the Confederate lines 
who are shooting at him - he is defying the odds. Physics has become a probabilistic science that does not rule out the possibility that if you drop a glass of water it might fall upward,
but the probabilities of that happening are astronomical.

> From: annalisa@unm.edu
> To: xmca-l@mailman.ucsd.edu
> Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 05:06:48 +0000
> Subject: [Xmca-l] Re: Time, Imagination, Metaphor
> Hello Francine (and Larry),
> Yes! Let's not forget perception and imagination!
> And let me second subjective perspectives and bibliographic references!
> [If anyone has any to add to the ABC that come to mind, please forward them to me!  TQ]
> I fully enjoy the noodle into pasta example. Are you saying that time is metaphysical? Would space be metaphysical too?
> Robert brought up a perfect example of the Hopi's view of time and the Guugu Yimithirr of Australia and their method of employing cardinal directions to orient themselves in space.
> http://xmca.ucsd.edu/yarns/15874?keywords=#52113
> That example also reminded me of the Greek Poet Simonides of Ceos and the Memory Palace... see the Extreme Memory Tournament 
> http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/05/19/remembering-as-an-extreme-sport/
> and the book that tells you how to remember everything:
> http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C03E3DF1E3FF93BA35750C0A9679D8B63
> Also Francine, when you say:
> > The 'Natural' Science that arises from European culture begins as mechanical physics and alchemy in which machines have parts and chemicals have elements. It has evolved into the study of energy, and systems theory.
> I wanted to say, don't forget to include astrology with alchemy and mechanical physics!  :) (Which is an ancient systems theory) and then becomes astronomy, and this has certainly altered our sense of both time and space by light years!  :)
> Kind regards,
> Annalisa

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