[Xmca-l] Re: Intrinsic motivation?

Huw Lloyd huw.softdesigns@gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 04:41:06 PDT 2014

> HUW:Hence a hierarchy of motives might resolve to a hierarchy of relations
> of
> psychological functions, yielding objective imagination (Vygotsky again),
> depending on your meaning of hierarchy of motives...
> CRISTINA: I am not sure I agree with you. Maybe we give different meanings
> to the hierarchy of motives? indeed when I refer to the latter, I have in
> mind "hierarchy of personal sense of motives". I have found useful this
> concept because it leads to look at a) what is the personal sense of
> working in that enterprise for each older worker? does the motive/object of
> the company have a sense for the older worker? and b) can the older worker
> have contact with the motive/object?
> The second question has led me to discuss the taylorist managerial
> principle of separation between conception and execution and develop the
> hypothesis that the more work is organized according to this principle, the
> less the older workers can be aware of the object of the activity, and make
> sense of it. Difficult to summurize the findings of my empirical work here:
> I can say that older workers make sense of their work according to the
> image of the object they manage to develop. And there are some interesting
> differences between the two case studies.

Ok.  Whether workers have access to the problem setting in which the
strategy of production is construed, and thereby align their motives to it.
 That's quite close to what I'm studying in instruction settings.

Thanks for explaining your project, Cristina.


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