[Xmca-l] Fwd: [COGDEVSOC] Fwd: [DIVISION] Position, OISE, Univ of Toronto: child clinical, developmental, or school psychology
mike cole
Thu Sep 5 08:35:54 PDT 2013
When it rains it poors?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amanda Woodward <amanda.lea.woodward@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 8:18 AM
Subject: [COGDEVSOC] Fwd: [DIVISION] Position, OISE, Univ of Toronto: child
clinical, developmental, or school psychology
To: cogdevsoc <cogdevsoc@virginia.edu>
The Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the
University of Toronto invites applications for a tenure-stream position at
the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor commencing on July 1, 2014. We
seek applicants with expertise in *child clinical, developmental or school
psychology*. Candidates will be registered or eligible for registration
with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. We welcome applications from
candidates with research interests in any of the following areas: learning;
typical or atypical cognitive or socio-emotional development; assessment,
prevention, consultation or intervention in childcare, school, community or
health settings; cognitive, biological or environmental risks for learning
difficulties and psychopathology and the assessment, prevention, and
treatment of these risks; developmental disabilities; or internalizing or
externalizing disorders.
Candidates should be outstanding scholars as evidenced by their areas of
research, grant and publication records, and their collaborations. We look
for evidence of excellence in teaching and student training, and capacity
for collegial service and service to the profession. The successful
candidate will contribute primarily to the School and Child Clinical
Psychology (SCCP) program, which is the only Canadian Psychological
Association (CPA) accredited doctoral program that explicitly provides
combined professional training in school and clinical child psychology. The
specific mission of the SCCP program is to provide students with
theoretical, research, and professional training in preparation for
leadership positions in academic and applied settings. The framework for
the program is the scientist practitioner model.
The SCCP program is one of four programs within the Department of Applied
Psychology and Human Development (AP&HD). AP&HD is a dynamic department
whose faculty share a commitment to development across the life span and to
the integration of research, practice, knowledge mobilization and policy
Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, 3 recent
research publications, results of teaching surveys (or equivalent evidence,
such as a teaching dossier), and a statement outlining current and future
research interests. If you have questions about this position, please
contact Professor Lana Stermac at: aphdchair.oise@utoronto.ca. The review
of applications will begin on November 1, 2013, and will continue until the
closing date of November 15, 2013. All application materials should be
submitted online at: http://uoft.me/academicopportunities.
The U of T application system can accommodate up to five attachments (10)
MB per candidate profile; please combine attachments into one or two files
in PDF/MS Word format. Submission guidelines can be found at:
Applicants should ask three referees to send letters directly to the
department via email to aphdchair.oise@utoronto.ca by November 15, 2013.
Established in 1827, the University of Toronto is Canada's largest and
most research-intensive university and the only Canadian university to be
named in the top 25 in the Times Higher Education World University
Rankings. Located in and around Toronto, one of the world's most diverse
regions, the University of Toronto's vibrant academic life is defined by
the cultural diversity in its community.
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) has, for more than a
century, made a major contribution to advancing education, human
development and professional practice around the world. With more than
72,000 alumni, close to 3,000 students and 20 research centres, ours in an
intellectually rich and supportive community, guided by the highest
standards of scholarship and a commitment to equity and social justice.
For more information please visit the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education homepage and the Department of Applied Psychology and Human
Development website at: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/aphd.
• Posted by Adam Winsler, listserv administrator for APA - Division 7
Developmental Psychology****
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Amanda Woodward
William S. Gray Professor and Chair
Department of Psychology
University of Chicago
5848 South University Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
(773) 702-8829
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