[Xmca-l] Re: Luria/Leontiev as inspirations for design

White, Phillip Phillip.White@ucdenver.edu
Mon Aug 12 16:40:22 PDT 2013

the paper, "A Model Systems Approach to Reading Instruction and the Diagnosis of Reading Disabilities", is, for me, a pleasing cultural artifact.

the conclusions at the end of A Model Systems Approach regarding the Question Asking Reading activity are strongly supported by what i see as daily reading practices at the elementary school i'm placed in.

in fact, the reading program employed by all teachers at my school utilizes reciprocal reading activities as originally worked out by Brown and Palincsar - and this program is in fact a fairly mainstream reading program which is grounded in socio-cultural activity theory.  

this also bears witness to the supposition that it takes about thirty years for research in education to finally impact the practices within the classroom.

at the same time as this work was being done in your part of the world, Mike, Marie Clay was doing her work in New Zealand, which emerged as reading recovery - in fact, it was in the mid-1980's that Ohio State brought reading recovery to the states  -  Clay's theory was also a socio-cultural activity based practice - and her goal was to develop the practices of reading from an intersubjective social activity to an intrasubjective activity -  and in my own experience is strongly effective both one-on-one (for which it was developed) as well as within small groups, as illustrated in your Q R A activity.

i wish that the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition had had the research connections with Ohio State - it would have been a stronger, more widely communicated approach to successfully teaching reading to all students.

thanks for the article.


From: xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu [xmca-l-bounces@mailman.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of mike cole [lchcmike@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 12:09 PM
To: eXtended Mind, Culture,Activity
Subject: [Xmca-l]  Luria/Leontiev as inspirations for design

I have been looking for text where Peg Griffen wrote about the Leontiev
discussion of understanding and motivation.
While looking, I checked out our old, never published monograph on the
organization of reading instruction. There is a section there, beginning on
about p. 25, that has our application of the combined motor method and
ideas as well.

Perhaps raw material to rip up and throw away, perhaps of use to current
discussion on these issues.

Here is the url


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