Noah Finkelstein's Classes:

College Physics - Phys 120 at High Tech High School (Fall '02)

a college level introductory physics class (mechanics) taught to students at High Tech High School.

Adolescent Development: TEP 118 (Spring '02)

advanced level undergraduate class in the Teacher Education Program at UCSD

University Teaching and Learning in Engineering: ECE 298 (Spring '02)

graduate level seminar and fieldwork in the School of Engineering at UCSD on teaching in the university, 4 year or 2 year college system

Pre-college Instruction in Engineering and the Sciences: ECE 198/TEP 139(Winter '02)

an advanced level undergraduate / graduate course in the School of Engineering at UCSD on teaching in the K-12 environment

Teaching and Learning Physics: Phys 180 / 280 & TEP 105 (Spring '99, Fall '01 Spring '01)

undergraduate / graduate course in the Physics Department (and Teacher Education Program) at UCSD on teaching and learning physics at the pre-college and university levels.

Related Projects: (described in projects section)

Real World Physics- San Diego City College / Reuben H Fleet Science Center (Fall '02)

Preparing Future Physics Faculty - UCSD Department of Physics and Center for Teaching Development


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