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[xmca] books for students and families in the Tuscaloosa area

From a colleague at the U. of Alabama:

[If anyone (thanks Teri Lesesne for the idea to go bigger) wants to send books for students and families in the Tuscaloosa area that lost their personal libraries, you can send them to me and I will make sure to find a way to distribute them. You can send them to: Lisa Scherff, c/o Belser-Parton Literacy Center, 204 Carmichael Hall, PO Box 870231, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487-0231]<http://www.facebook.com/n/?profile.php&id=27432144&mid=424d472G4b761bGbc9ce4aG96&bcode=ECR1CJuz&n_m=smago%40uga.edu>

Lisa Scherff<http://www.facebook.com/n/?profile.php&id=27432144&mid=424d472G4b761bGbc9ce4aG96&bcode=ECR1CJuz&n_m=smago%40uga.edu>

11:20am Apr 29

If anyone wants to send books for students and families in the Tuscaloosa area that lost their personal libraries, you can send them to me and I will make sure to find a way to distribute them. You can send them to: Lisa Scherff, c/o Belser-Parton Literacy Center, 204 Carmichael Hall, PO Box 870231, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487-0231

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