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[xmca] Fwd: [Air-L] Skill acquisition through non instrumental ICT uses

Brazlianos  -- attention!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Judith Yaaqoubi <judithy@uw.edu>
Date: Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 9:54 AM
Subject: [Air-L] Skill acquisition through non instrumental ICT uses
To: air-l@listserv.aoir.org

We are at the beginning of a study to investigate how non instrumental ICT
uses (like playing video games, social networking, creating multimedia etc.)
contribute to ICT skill acquisition and how those play-acquired skill sets
transfer to other, more instrumental, domains. We have a solid literature
review of academic work and current projects like MacArthur's Digital Media
and Learning Initiative.

At this point we're curious to see whether anyone else is starting similar
work with whom it might be useful to share materials. Also, our project is
in Brazil, so if there are other people doing research in pontos de
cultura/LAN houses/telecenters who'd be interested in talking, let us know.


Judith Yaaqoubi
Research Assistant
Human Centered Design & Engineering
University of Washington

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