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Re: [xmca] "The psyche of proletarian children" and language and thought

Dear Achilles:
As you probably know, there are a few references to Otto Ruele in Volume Two of the Collected Works on defectology, and some of these are to "The psyche of proletarian children". 
Overall, LSV takes a positive view of the work, which is a little surprising because of his hostility to the ideas of Zalkind on "proletarian character". 
Ruele seems to have been close to Adler, and a critic of Freud (or so says the notes on Ruele in Volume Two. LSV has generally nice things to say about Adler too.
David Kellogg
Seoul National University of Education

PS: Mike, I wasn't trying to put either you or Meltzoff on the spot; I was really just writing fluff along the lines of something-I-read-on-the-way-to-work-this-morning-that-I-thought-you-might-find-interesting. 
I guess the most interesting thing about it for me has to do with Greg's rather Whorfian letter which argues that thinking and speech have to be a lot closer than the longitude and latitude metaphor suggest, and that in particular phasal and semantic aspects of speech are really one and the same thing, linked but not distinct. When two things are linked but not distinct, it is hard to see how they can develop each other. 
Of course, SOMETHING happens in the brain when we read, and it may happen in different parts of the brain when we read different scripts (just as we may recover memories from different parts of the brain). But sometimes structural differences really can be "uncoupled" from ffunctional differences, and I think this is one of them.
David Kellogg
Seoul National University of Education

--- On Sun, 8/30/09, Achilles Delari Junior <achilles_delari@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Achilles Delari Junior <achilles_delari@hotmail.com>
Subject: [xmca] "The psyche of proletarian children"...
To: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 7:01 PM

How are you?
I wish fine.

Please, I'm asking you for a help, one more time.
There is a friend of mine, working with expropriated 
children, fighting against "child work expropriation" in the 
North-east from my country. And she is looking for a particular
text from Vygotsky, and I suppose that there is no publication
of it, even in Russian. This is the title, seems to be only
the manuscript

Review of The Psyche of proletarian Children by Otto Rulle
(Moscow-Leningrad, 1926). Private archives of L. S. Vygotsky.
Manucript, 3. pp.
на кн.: Отто Рюле. Психика пролетарского ребенка. М.; Л.: ГИЗ, 1926 // Семейный
арх. Л.С. Выготского. 1926. 3 с. Рукопись.

But this indication that there is only the manuscript is from 1996'
Lifanova's paper. Then, who knows if there is any publication after...
Do you have any notice about this work, or some general suggestion
of reading something about this subject (the psyche of children
in terms of social classes, and class struggle)?

Thank you very much about your attention and help.

Best wishes.
>From Brazil.
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